Re: [OAUTH-WG] DPoP and refresh tokens
Dick Hardt <> Wed, 28 October 2020 22:35 UTC
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From: Dick Hardt <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2020 15:35:13 -0700
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To: Brian Campbell <>
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Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] DPoP and refresh tokens
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Hey Brian A refresh example would make it more clear, and would also assist in communicating that DPoP could be used just for refresh. I see in the updated text that using DPoP with confidential clients is discouraged. I understand the RT is sender constrained -- but asymmetric cryptography is much stronger than a shared secret. Why discourage its use? ᐧ On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 3:20 PM Brian Campbell <> wrote: > I'm currently working on the draft and hope to have a new revision > published relatively soon. Just the other day I made some changes to the > text around RTs with > > that maybe/hopefully makes some of it more clear? But basically the RTs are > only bound for public clients and the exact mechanism to do it is left up > to the AS. The AS both creates and consumes the RT so however it chooses to > associate the DPoP key with the RT is its own implementation detail. > Getting a new bound access token using an RT is meant to be covered in sec > 5 "Token Request (Binding Tokens to a Public Key)" with RT being just one > of the grants that could be presented in the token request in conjunction > with the DPoP proof, and the AS would bind the AT it issues to the key in > that DPoP proof. I'd sort of assumed that would just be understood. But do > you think it (including the recent changes) needs more explanation? > > I do think using DPoP only for token refresh (only for public clients > though) would be appropriate, for some cases anyway. This has come up on > the list here previously and the general consensus was also that it'd be > useful. I plan to add some language describing that (and loosening some > language that could be perceived as prohibiting it) but haven't gotten to > that item on the editing todo list yet. > > > > > On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 2:46 PM Dick Hardt <> wrote: > >> Hello >> >> I was reviewing the latest DPoP draft[1] and saw numerous mentions of >> using a DPoP proof for refreshing an access token, but no explicit >> description of how to do that, nor an example. Was this intentional? >> >> Perhaps a new section "Refreshing an Access Token"? >> >> Additionally, I can imagine that an AS can improve its security posture >> by adding support for DPoP *just* to token refresh and not requiring >> existing resource servers to upgrade. Rotating refresh tokens would not be >> as critical for public clients using DPoP for token refresh. >> >> Would using DPoP only for token refresh be appropriate? If so, language >> describing that would be helpful. :) >> >> /Dick >> >> [1] >> ᐧ >> _______________________________________________ >> OAuth mailing list >> >> >> > > *CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email may contain confidential and > privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any > review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. > If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender > immediately by e-mail and delete the message and any file attachments from > your computer. Thank you.*
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] DPoP and refresh tokens Dick Hardt
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] DPoP and refresh tokens Brian Campbell
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] DPoP and refresh tokens Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] DPoP and refresh tokens Dick Hardt