Re: [OAUTH-WG] [Ace] New OAuth client credentials RPK and PSK

Samuel Erdtman <> Mon, 15 May 2017 08:52 UTC

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From: Samuel Erdtman <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 10:49:02 +0200
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To: Jim Schaad <>
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Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] [Ace] New OAuth client credentials RPK and PSK
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In short this draft focuses on the C to AS connection and
draft-gerdes-ace-dtls-authorize focuses on the C to RS connection.

This draft details on how to use RPK or PSK as client credentials to setup
the (D)TLS between C and AS while draft-gerdes-ace-dtls-authorize provides
details for how to use the RPK or PSK bound to an access token to setup the
connection between C and RS.


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Jim Schaad <> wrote:

> How is this draft supposed to interact with draft-gerdes-ace-dtls-
> authorize?
> Jim
> *From:* Ace [] *On Behalf Of *Samuel Erdtman
> *Sent:* Friday, May 12, 2017 1:03 AM
> *To:* <> <>; ace <>
> *Cc:* Ludwig Seitz <>
> *Subject:* [Ace] New OAuth client credentials RPK and PSK
> Hi ACE and OAuth WGs,
> I and Ludwig submitted a new draft yesterday defining how to use Raw
> Public Key and Pre Shared Key with (D)TLS as OAuth client credentials,
> We think this is valuable to the ACE work since the ACE framework is based
> on OAuth, but client credentials as defined in the OAuth framework are not
> the best match for embedded devices.
> We think Raw Public Keys and Pre Shared Keys are more suitable credentials
> for embedded devices for the following reasons:
> * Better security by binding to transport layer.
> * If PSK DTLS is to be used a key need to be distributed any way, why not
> make use of it as credential.
> * Client id and client secret accommodates for manual input by a humans.
> This does not scale well and requires some for of input device.
> * Some/many devices will have crypto-hardware that can protect key
> material, to not use that possibility would be a waste.
> * There are probably more reasons these was just the once on top of my
> head.
> This is not the first resent initiative to create new client credential
> types, the OAuth WG adopted a similar draft for certificate based client
> credentials (
> That work is also valuable to ACE but not all devices will be able to work
> with certificates or even asymmetric cryptos .
> Please review and comment.
> Cheers
> //Samuel