[OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-browser-based-apps-19.txt

internet-drafts@ietf.org Sun, 20 October 2024 21:04 UTC

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Internet-Draft draft-ietf-oauth-browser-based-apps-19.txt is now available. It
is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol (OAUTH) WG of the IETF.

   Title:   OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Applications
   Authors: Aaron Parecki
            David Waite
            Philippe De Ryck
   Name:    draft-ietf-oauth-browser-based-apps-19.txt
   Pages:   62
   Dates:   2024-10-20


   This specification details the threats, attack consequences, security
   considerations and best practices that must be taken into account
   when developing browser-based applications that use OAuth 2.0.

Discussion Venues

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Web Authorization
   Protocol Working Group mailing list (oauth@ietf.org) which is
   archived at https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/oauth/.

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

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