Re: [OAUTH-WG] [EXTERNAL] -security-topics-13 and OIDC response types + form_post response mode

Daniel Fett <> Mon, 06 January 2020 14:35 UTC

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Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] [EXTERNAL] -security-topics-13 and OIDC response types + form_post response mode
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Am 27.12.19 um 23:27 schrieb Filip Skokan:
> Encrypted JARM responses are in a very similar position. Access Token
> value is not part of the URL and the response itself is protected.
> Such response is usually only consumed by a server side application.
> Same as any form_post response.

The encryption of JARM does not add much if the token leaks: An attacker
could just inject it into a flow on his device.

This is also why sender-constraining, even if it would be possible in
the "token id_token" scenario, would not help at all.

> We could go into further clarifying the client application topology to
> enable these uses but i don’t think it’s worth it. Why make excuses to
> keep implicit issued access tokens around in when code flow is the way
> the WG has decided to go. (Here we go again...)



> Best,
> Filip
>> 27. 12. 2019 v 21:41, Torsten Lodderstedt
>> <>:
>> As Brian said, we have discussed this several times and this text
>> found consensus.
>> Using post reduces the attack surface but does not allow to bind the
>> access token to the legitimate client. We are recommending sender
>> constrained access tokens in the BCP. So recommending a flow that
>> does not support sender constrained access tokens is a contradiction.
>> What do other WG members think?
>>> Am 27.12.2019 um 21:28 schrieb Mike Jones
>>> <>:
>>> I agree with Brian. Please update the text to describe this already
>>> safe usage.
>>> -- Mike
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* OAuth <> on behalf of Brian Campbell
>>> <>
>>> *Sent:* Friday, December 27, 2019 11:03:30 AM
>>> *To:* oauth <>
>>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] [OAUTH-WG] -security-topics-13 and OIDC
>>> response types + form_post response mode
>>> We have a-sometimes used scenario where a client makes an
>>> authorization/authentication request with a "token id_token"
>>> response type and "form_post" response mode (nonce is also sent and
>>> exact redirect URI matching is done at the AS). The access token is
>>> never exposed in any URLs and access token injection is prevented by
>>> the at_hash claim in the id token.
>>> That seems to me like a legitimate and reasonable usage scenario.
>>> However, it would fall on the wrong side of the SHOULD NOT in
>>> Section 3.1.2 of the Security BCP-to-be
>>> <>,
>>> which has:
>>>    In order to avoid these issues, clients SHOULD NOT use the implicit
>>>    grant (response type "token") or any other response type issuing
>>>    access tokens in the authorization response, such as "token id_token"
>>>    and "code token id_token", unless the issued access tokens are
>>>    sender-constrained and access token injection in the authorization
>>>    response is prevented.
>>> I know this particular text has been discussed over and over again
>>> so I hate to revisit it. But based on the aforementioned scenario I
>>> think maybe it still doesn't quite hit the mark. Access token
>>> injection is prevented. The token leakage scenarios mentioned in
>>> that section are all avoided. And while I know sender-constrained is
>>> recommended elsewhere in the draft, it's not really a realistic
>>> option for the majority of deployments.
>>> /CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email may contain confidential and
>>> privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s).
>>> Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly
>>> prohibited..  If you have received this communication in error,
>>> please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the
>>> message and any file attachments from your computer. Thank you./
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