[OAUTH-WG] Fwd: Requesting NomCom feedback

Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <rifaat.s.ietf@gmail.com> Wed, 11 November 2020 18:13 UTC

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Please, consider providing feedback to the NomCom.
Take a look at the following message from the NomCom chair for more details.

 Rifaat & Hannes

NomCom is considering nominees for AD positions, IETF Chair, IAB, LLC
Board, and IETF Trust. We need more input from the community both on
specific nominees and on over-arching topics regarding what the community
wants from these specific groups and wants from its leadership in general.
We need *your* input.

** Deadline for community feedback is Friday November 20. **

We've paid attention to discussions on the ietf list. Issues raised there
have been brought up in interviews.

We've also asked questions of nominees based on feedback received, and
based on the "Topics" that people said were important.
We're listening to you.

But most of the input to date has come from a few consistently vocal
people. We need to hear from more of you.

I scheduled our office hours during the 2 weeks before next week's IETF,
because IETF week is so busy. We have one more left (18:00-19:00 UTC
November 11). No-one but NomCom members showed up for our first 3. ☹ If
there is demand for more office hours, I'll schedule them; but this really
doesn't seem to be the preferred format for input.

Most input is coming in as either
 - email to nomcom20@ietf.org
 - feedback on https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/2020/feedback/
On the feedback page, the specific nominees are all listed at the top.
General Topics are at the bottom.
We pay attention to all the comments we get through these channels.

I'll also try to hang out in Gather.Town during IETF breaks next week.
I'm not going to have a specific NomCom area in Gather.Town, because it was
really lonely hanging out there during IETF 108.
But please feel free to hunt me down and bend my ear -- on NomCom issues or
just to chat.
I miss seeing all of y'all!

Barbara Stark
NomCom 2020 Chair