Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc6637.
Gregory Maxwell <> Fri, 18 October 2013 07:20 UTC
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Subject: Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc6637.
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Jon Callas <jon at> wrote: > Why ever would you want a 1Kbit curve? Sure, arguably, but please make the argument. As it is, Curve3617 is more than one really needs. I'm genuinely interested. The fastest method for solving the discrete log problem in finite fields is index calculus. It is not known to be applicable to the elliptic curves we use for cryptography (or obviously we wouldn't be using them), modifications of the technique are applicable to super-singular curves / extension fields and where applicable they have sub-exponential scaling similar to the number field sieve for factoring. While it's not believed that there can exist a straightforward adaptation currently-believed strong curves, if one were to be discovered it would render any of the common sizes practically insecure. It would be terrible indeed to migrate to ECC only to end up with keys no more secure than 512 bit RSA. But by comparison to performance in other groups a of size to around 1024 bits but leave the crypto system secure in practice even if index calculus could be directly applied. (Sorry for delay in responding, but I spent a little while googling around to see if I was the only person thinking like this. I found a number of things, the most amusing an old post of Bruce Schneier's: "Realize, though, that someday -- next year, in ten years, in a century -- someone may figure out how to define smoothness, or something even more useful, in elliptic curves. If that happens, you will have to use the same key lengths as you would with conventional discrete logarithm algorithms, and there will be no reason to ever use elliptic curves. " ) For many personal communications applications involving end to end encryption— though certainly not all— speed is only an issue if you're talking about hundreds of milliseconds, bandwidth is an issue only if you're talking about tens of kilobytes. In these applications, when we're talking about long term security for _unspecified applications_ (meaning, we should assume the cryptosystem is life critical and the attacker is state level, because we've not specified an application that excludes these parameters) then it is seem obviously prudent to use more of the available speed and bandwidth budget to increase security. The next question for that should be _how_ to go about increasing the security. One answer would be to pair up an orthogonal asymmetric cryptosystem, but all the abelian hidden subgroup problems seem to share a common fate— improvements in discrete log tend to result in factoring improvements. For signatures merkle signatures might fit, but for encryption the asymmetric cryptosystems which appear unrelated all have overheads which probably do take us outside of the available budget. But a larger curve would not. Nor would it impose a very large implementation or design complexity overhead. Nor would it be so expensive that it would be unduly burdensome to users who don't want it when they are forced to interact with it (as 250kbyte McEliece + ECDH public key would) And it may well provide additional security against currently unknown risks. As a design principle, if the user has bandwidth and cpu to spare— it would be quite sad to see his security fail simply because the software didn't care to offer a maximally conservative option. Failing to have a solid "I don't care about the speed/size, crank my security to 11" option also creates a great market opportunity for non-standard cryptography which turns out to be snake-oil "crank it up to 11 (mod 10)", and increases the risk that users fail to use encryption at all because they are too easily convinced by FUD that the cryptography isn't strong.
- [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc6637. Gregory Maxwell
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Jon Callas
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Gregory Maxwell
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Gregory Maxwell
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Gregory Maxwell
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… ianG
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [openpgp] Curve3617 in OpenPGP? Beyond rfc663… Werner Koch