Re: [openpgp] Hashing literal (meta)data fields

Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> Wed, 12 October 2022 07:14 UTC

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From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
To: IETF OpenPGP WG <>
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Subject: Re: [openpgp] Hashing literal (meta)data fields
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I'm going to number the features/concerns that Daniel identified
upthread about signing these literal data packet metadata fields,
because i think they offer a useful frame for the discussion:

Daniel Huigens wrote:

> (1) it's not clear how to populate the fields in an encrypt-then-sign scenario
> (2) they make it impossible to be able to cleanly detach and reattach signatures
> (3) when those fields are sometimes signed (v5) and sometimes not (v4), it's difficult to act on them safely

With no hats on, I am not convinced that the proposed hashed literal
data meta packet solves any of these points.

it clearly doesn't address (1) or (2), and for (3), it only makes it
*possible* to add this metadata to v4 signatures, but of course it's not
guaranteed that it'll be there.  What should a consuming implementation
do that wants to use these fields?

If we're going to provide a secure mechanism that offers this metadata
securely in some packets and not others (that is, admit that (3) is
unsolvable), it seems easier tackle that with the notations that Justus
proposes below, and accept that the verifying implementation should
ignore the stuff in the actual literal data packet fields and look only
in the relevant notations that happen to be in the hashed subpackets.

On Tue 2022-10-11 12:11:45 +0000, Daniel Huigens wrote:
> [justus wrote:]
>> Instead, one could simply add notations to the signature to specify say
>> creation time, modification time, and filename. With this scheme, one
>> can better specify the semantics, lift the file name length restriction,
>> it doesn't require specifying how to hash the metadata, and it isn't an
>> all-or-nothing thing. As a bonus, if you detach the signature, the
>> information is still available, so you can make use of it, and
>> re-attaching the signature is possible and easy.
> Yeah, I agree, that might be better, indeed.

I agree, this approach seems to at least clearly solve (2).  I don't
think it does much to address (1) unless we start experimenting with
pruning the grammar (along the lines of what Paul Schaub was proposing
in the last week), but i think that's pretty far out of scope for the
current WG charter.
