[openpgp] draft-koch-openpgp-2015-rfc4880bis-01
Werner Koch <wk@gnupg.org> Tue, 07 February 2023 10:00 UTC
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Hi, I did some minor updates to draft-koch-openpgp-2015-rfc4880bis. Here is the list of relevant changes: * Remove EAX samples EAX should not anymore be used thus samples are superfluous. * Rename AEAD Encrypted Data Packet to OCB Encrypted Data Packet. The mix of the terms AEAD and OCB is hard to understand; thus we now use nearly always OCB. We also rename "AEAD algorithm" to "encryption mode" because that is the more common term. The "Preferred AEAD Algorithm" subpacket has been renamed and deprecated. EAX mode has been deprecated. * Add OIDs for X448 The OID was missing. * Reserve packet type 26 GnuPG may eventually implement the use of X.509 certificates along with OpenPGP certificates. The idea is to allow sending of just one encrypted file despite that the recipients use different PKIs. * Move ECDH parameters to a separate paragraph Also deleted outdated or obvious security notes and added a missing Brainpool parameter. * Remove the Suite B profile stuff. I see no need to advertise legacy curves. * Make Brainpool also SHOULD curves The reason is that in Europe Brainpool are required curves in many domains and thus it is important to declare that support for Brainpool is useful. Note that for backward compatibility NIST curves are still MUST implement. * Fix composition of public key blocks. In the course of the reformatting actions of the draft a regression against 4880 was not fixed (Zero User ID packets). The reason for introducing zero User ID packets might have been the idea to express that an Attribute packet may be used instead of a User ID. However, that should either be clarified in the comments or left to the implementation. The second fix is to require at least one Signature packet after a User ID and Attribute packet. This was wrong in 2440 and 4880 but is cryptographically required. For the actual commits see: https://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=people/wk/rfc4880bis.git Formatted diff between -00 and -01: https://author-tools.ietf.org/iddiff?url1=draft-koch-openpgp-2015-rfc4880bis-00&url2=draft-koch-openpgp-2015-rfc4880bis-01&difftype=--html Draft URL: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-koch-openpgp-2015-rfc4880bis-01.txt Shalom-Salam, Werner -- The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service. - A. Einstein