[openpgp] Fingerprint length and application
Phillip Hallam-Baker <phill@hallambaker.com> Mon, 10 October 2016 18:38 UTC
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Subject: [openpgp] Fingerprint length and application
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At the last couple of WG F2F meetings DKG asserted that we should make sure that a given public key MUST have exactly one fingerprint representation. This troubled me because while I don't necessarily disagree with the statement, I can't come up for a justification for it. I now think I have a solid justification. The main use for fingerprints in OpenPGP is to establish direct trust. The shortest fingerprint that is safe to use has a work factor of 96 bits and has 20 characters: MB2GK-6DUF5-YGYYL-JNY5E With the compression scheme I have developed (and I am working on the IPR implications of) we can generate a 15 character fingerprint with the same 96 bit work factor: MIWIY-LTMFTG-CZTRO Which requires us to generate 2^25 keypairs Now that 96 bits gives us a work factor of 2^96 against a second pre-image attack but only 2^48 against a collision attack. So consider two common uses of fingerprints: Case 1: OpenPGP key Case 2: PKIX trust root These appear to be similar but they are totally different in the first case it is quite possible for Alice to generate two OpenPGP keys that both have the same fingerprint. And this does allow her to do some mischief. She can sign a document such that it will be accepted by some parties and rejected by others depending on which public key she presents to a party that trusts the fingerprint. This is a concern but it is not one that creates a large opportunity for malice. The second is a much bigger concern as PKIX certificates contain use constraints. And so the risk of collision is much greater. Let us say that example.com has a self signed private root that has a name constraint so that it is only trusted to sign certs for *.example.com. A malicious party might create a pair of root certs such that one has the constraint and the other does not. They then present the certificate with the constraint in and the user accepts it for the limited purpose of trusting certs for example.com. Then the attacker sends out trust paths with the second root for bank.com etc. So extraneous data does make a difference. It provides a salt that reduces the cost of performing any collision type attack. But that isn't actually an advantage for ECC keys as they are quite cheap to make and require only an addition operation to modify. If the key is e^p, it is easy to generate e^(p+1), e^(p+2)... till the desired criteria is met. This can be used for work factor hardening as well. But it makes a much bigger difference in applications like PKIX where the fingerprint is being taken not of just a public key but a public key and associated policy statement. In short, don't do that. Only use short fingerprints for actual public keys, not policy statements or data.
- [openpgp] Fingerprint length and application Phillip Hallam-Baker