[openpgp] openpgp.org reactivated
Dominik Schuermann <dominik@dominikschuermann.de> Mon, 29 August 2016 12:44 UTC
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Hi, with some help of Phil Zimmermann, I reactivated and re-purposed http://openpgp.org It is now hosted on GitHub pages and has a new design and content. I will try to put up new blog posts and content in the future. I am also very much open for pull requests to change, fix and extend the pages at http://github.com/OpenPGP/openpgp.github.io I would like to see this page grow like xmpp.org and provide an overview over the standards and maybe also provide recommendations, which are not part of the standard, but commonly implemented. In addition, it should provide a simple introduction for people who heard of OpenPGP but don't know which software to install. Cheers Dominik
- [openpgp] openpgp.org reactivated Dominik Schuermann
- Re: [openpgp] [openpgp-email] openpgp.org reactiv… Dominik Schuermann