[openpgp] chairs for chartering process
Stephen Farrell <stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie> Fri, 01 May 2015 19:14 UTC
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Subject: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process
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Hi all, First - many thanks to all of you who volunteered to help by chairing. It's really encouraging that so many were willing and able, which was the case for I think everyone who volunteered. Having spoken to a few folks, I'm delighted to say that Daniel Kahn Gillmor and Christopher Liljenstolpe (both cc'd on this) have agreed to help out as chairs for the re-formed openpgp WG. Christopher has lots of experience with chairing in the IETF and dkg as you know is very active in lots of security things including PGP so I think they should be a great team to help us move forward. Daniel and Christopher will take it from here with the intent being to try craft a charter along the lines we've already discussed on the list and I'll start the formal chartering process once they tell me that's sufficiently baked (so no need for a BoF before starting). And then we all can get moving on getting the work done. So please join me in thanking Christopher and Daniel for being willing to help out and please help them by continuing to contribute as constructively as you have collectively been doing. Cheers and thanks again all, Stephen.
- [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Stephen Farrell
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Christopher LILJENSTOLPE
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Kathleen Moriarty
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Christopher LILJENSTOLPE
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Ben McGinnes
- Re: [openpgp] [eX-bulk] : Re: chairs for charteri… Christopher LILJENSTOLPE
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Derek Atkins
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Derek Atkins
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Christopher LILJENSTOLPE
- Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process Werner Koch