Re: [openpgp] Move new Signatures and Keys from v5 to v6?

Falko Strenzke <> Tue, 07 February 2023 07:05 UTC

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Am 06.02.23 um 21:25 schrieb Daniel Kahn Gillmor:
> One subtle additional point in this course: The packet tag 0x20, used by
>> GnuPG for AEAD packets, currently marked as "reserved" in the
>> crypto-refresh, should probably marked as "_permanently_ reserved".
> I'm not sure what the difference is between "reserved" and
> "_permanently_ reserved".  can you elaborate further on what conditions
> should be put on this codepoint reservation?
>                 --dkg

I meant this similar to what you propose in the MR for avoiding the 
signature ambiguity for the signature type 0xFF:

The wording there is different though from what I proposed. For the 
reserved signature type, there is a section it refers the reader to 
explaining the reasons. Currently we don't have a section that explains 
anything about the version conflict, and probably it should remain that 
way. So we could simply write "20 | yes | reserved. An implementation 
MUST NOT create any packet with this tag." To say "MUST not interpret a 
packet with this tag" would probably not be a good idea, though, as it 
could be interpreted to forbid being (also) compatible to applications 
that use the AEAD packet.

The table entry currently says "(formerly AEAD Encrypted Data Packet)". 
I am not sure if this is formally correct. There should be no prior 
official OpenPGP version that defines AEAD packets, or am I mistaken?

- Falko


Dr. Falko Strenzke
Executive System Architect

Phone: +49 6151 8000 24
Web: <>

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