Re: [openpgp] chairs for chartering process

Ben McGinnes <> Sat, 02 May 2015 09:57 UTC

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On 2/05/2015 6:43 am, Christopher LILJENSTOLPE wrote:
> Greetings, and thank's Stephen (I think) for the opportunity
>     Daniel and I have been talking a bit about the working group, and a
> charter.  We'd like to put some of those ideas to the list for
> discussion.  Ideally, it would be good if we could have some consensus
> about a charter within the next week or two to start the formation process.
> We would like to scope this WG fairly tightly, therefore:
> 1) The primary charter goal would be create a RFC4880bis document.
>    a) At the end of that process, we would either re-charter, or close.
>    b) Other documents (informational or bcp) MAY be entertained by the
> WG, but are not required for the WG to complete it's task, nor    will
> their progress "keep the WG from closing"

Sounds good and it's not like any extraneous docs can't be rolled into
some other proposal if needed, maybe even stand alone informational

> 2) We will require at least two independent reviews (from within the WG)
> of an individual submission before a document is considered a candidate
> for WG acceptance.  The chairs will help chide reviewers, but we want to
> see interest in the WG in a document before it progresses.

Also fine.

> 3) We are going to try and run this group virtually as much as possible
> (i.e. we will only physically meet if necessary).

Excellent, I know I've said before that operating online as much as
possible is my preference.  Flying to the USA or Europe right now is
completely out of the question in my case.

That said, depending on the nature of any physical meeting, providing
a means of participation for those of us a little farther afield would
be good.  PPAU does this every year for our congresses so it's
feasible, usually with a designated person to monitor an IRC channel
for responses and video or audio streaming via whatever method is most
appropriate (for audio a Mumble server will do in a pinch).

>     What do you all think about these as chartering concepts?

Sounds like a good plan.
