[openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signatures [was: Proposal for a separable ring signature scheme...]
Vincent Yu <v@v-yu.com> Fri, 14 March 2014 01:28 UTC
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Subject: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signatures [was: Proposal for a separable ring signature scheme...]
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On 03/13/2014 06:02 PM, Jon Callas wrote: > My suggestion is that you write up an I-D, and push it. > > My quick read looks like this is a useful thing, and it would be nice to have. Just as Andrey pushed an ECC draft and there have been others, it'd be a great way to go. > > As DKG noted, we have a constant collision, but that's not a big deal. That's why we have IANA. > > Jon Thanks for your comments. I plan to write up and submit an I-D if no one points out egregious problems with the current proposal. In past threads, there were discussions about supporting non-SHA-1 fingerprints [1] and including full issuer fingerprints in signatures [2]. You forwarded to this list a proposal for a new fingerprint [3]. Did anything concrete come out of that proposal or other discussions? In my proposal, I am using key IDs (i.e., the rightmost 8 octets of SHA-1 fingerprints) in a new signature subpacket, but I would like to switch to non-SHA-1 fingerprints if there is a standard or consensus about how they should be formatted. This is an opportune time to introduce such fingerprints since backward compatibility is not a relevant consideration. Comments on this are welcome from everyone. Vincent [1]: https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/openpgp/current/msg00253.html [2]: https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/openpgp/current/msg00405.html [3]: https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/openpgp/current/msg00259.html
- [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signature… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Jon Callas
- [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signatures [w… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… David Shaw
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… Peter Pentchev
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… Peter Pentchev
- Re: [openpgp] Non-SHA-1 fingerprints in signature… Jon Callas
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Ben Laurie
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Jon Callas
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Nicholas Cole
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Nicholas Cole
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Nicholas Cole
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Vincent Yu
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… vedaal
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Falcon Darkstar Momot
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Nicholas Cole
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… ianG
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Jon Callas
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Ben Laurie
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Proposal for a separable ring signa… Ben Laurie