Re: [openpgp] Upgrading PGP Keysize from 4096 to 8000

Phillip Hallam-Baker <> Fri, 19 August 2022 01:04 UTC

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Subject: Re: [openpgp] Upgrading PGP Keysize from 4096 to 8000
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On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 11:32 AM <>

> Hi, as technology gets faster we must increase our keysizes preemptively
> to ensure future-security.
> I am suggesting increasing the PGP MAXIMUM keysize to double the current
> maximum. A larger key could be twice as secure, and would only take a few
> seconds longer to encrypt a message.
> please increase the pgp keysizes.

No, switch to ECDH, it is more secure.

The problem with RSA is that the key size is subject to diminishing
returns. 1024 bits only gives you a work factor of 2^80. Doubling that
gives you only 2^110. You have to go to 3096 to get to the 2^128 bit work
factor we are comfortable with and to get 2^256 you need over 16,000 bits.

Longer key sizes are unlikely to improve quantum cryptanalysis either.
While the super-cold machines being built by IBM and Google are slowly
improving and we could reasonably hope for RSA3096 to remain safe up to a
decade after Curve25519 falls, that is unlikely to be the architecture that
wins the race. It is subject to diminishing returns and some hard limits on
keeping things cold. If there is a Quantum cryptanalysis threat, it will
come from the trapped ion machines and those can be made with regular VLSI
processes if they can be made at all. So what that means is the first
production devices are likely to have tens of thousands to millions of

Bottom line is we should forget RSA at this point and work on use of
Threshold and PQC systems.