Re: [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Public Keys
Vincent Breitmoser <> Sun, 16 June 2019 12:14 UTC
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Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 14:14:48 +0200
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From: Vincent Breitmoser <>
To: Werner Koch <>
Autocrypt:; keydata=mQINBFAB3UABEADCyB/vbIBA3m1Bwc yjTieEMLySwYgt54EQ2hglOocdtIhqC+b05t6sLSkwx2ukxrU2cegnCBkdyF/FZ/+Et638CUEBbf 4bjplwpt2IPLazQgjkwjMuhz0OcYDpMhwimTvh3mIl+0wzpOts6mEmMw0QZdl3RXvIW+NSynOn7q mz/fAv4Htt6lv2Ka0s6R2voyi+5U7CcIqizPad5qZVn2uxmovcFreTzFt6nk37ZbbTfvA3e5F0bR RQeH3viT5XxpJF4Y76v/Ua+5N3Kd18K0sX85rD1G7cmxR2CZ5gW1X24sDqdYZdDbf10N39UIwjJH PTeuVMQqry792Ap0Etyj135YFCE0loDnZYKvy2Y1i0RuEdTUIonIHrLhe2J0bXQGbQImHIyMgB9/ lva8D+yvy2gyf2vjRhmJEEco7w9FdzP7p3PhKrUiTjRsjHw8iV8LOCFx9njZOq9mism9ZZ16tZpx 9mXOf11HcH1RtVuyyQRS/4ytQPzwshXdSDDW6Btkmo9AbZQKC54/hSyzpp3Br2T2xDH7ecnonDB/ jv8rWuKXSTbX3xWAIrNBNDcTYaNe4jkms4HF7jJE19eRlqsXMMx6Fxvrh4TtKICwJYJ3AUmXrK3X Ti/mjqYfJ1fpBn54rWs8nhSR1fuZPD+aMlcP8BDUPlNKPKtj0DGSh3/VlnnwARAQABtClWaW5jZW 50IEJyZWl0bW9zZXIgPGxvb2tAbXkuYW1hemluLmhvcnNlPokCOAQTAQIAIgUCVTNZmgIbAwYLCQ gHAwIGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQe9GDIN6t+hHcVg//aeiijNqsQ3pjbFQn3VvND7hNfJ vrVcLZ+U4kOzXPF818aVdOnDyNXyE17vBDDcvaZ730sCsZIRZJ3KhUJ+nPvdttKjUIGLARmx+pA3 Jl3IIv2uLtOb3I0TMuyfIGJVGF+q10/CeDMKVjKlmyOVrR0opkel+KEoN7VLq3Hf3zPKENO1HBgp LHeP31tlb9cgs+u4o2wLrVe9myHbuFBW7EjWbSvdz2zliwbsFeFVLMNcWrKAU0GkkiH69SgnwmXU RkhGma4L27GLtkHHufsxfbcPqPtmtCttsGZU4EmrghGUqVyDOxnn8ZqybzLrRfpin+OCIX+aHJz5 r2L8qtrP0LorNMX3Gopd26vfhNvq/wq8xk++bW1R5FmkaUhx9h+DhO2ybcg7p/E8JHc8zrWv+bb3 0o9lkrOaU8GxXrgtb1cjtbb+MxFvjm0Elw7MSZDG7sF/APFU6cwuIA9Nai/OGAUCSt/W2ecS8Zox cWWbGSEiDvjtEctkpmHjfVuGoL34966Olm41VdH+NjgoSYUJKx4Mty8DRcZxdyoXll84LvDkEEYK ZqOIACsJf8CDFvUkmhXc+moCj15Yxtj3/RslRVEiOUyrpDwB72zWcZG8YnzoyGxhcRIc/gFejO/y SI8bzCpYngeuTb5NjFG+ChGiInHbQcFeHBlaHtKi2o/B5axIO5Ag0EVDvOgQEQALJby/ztliToGE u1lslvWQUQ6teKZVUQ7hy9bM4N83G0AGLatUBHtY6PkJBe4XkIw3sK7LoFCV2W4GSt4zWp9l+kG3 /J8Ow7EFjN0F7DrCg0M0lMg9dQz9jYSoBR8skaH3BRzCq9AKIVKV94poL/G65289L7zKDHoZnnyF qbBtedYZir0SZx+kiouZ1qnmxRPaYmH2fkuiuvYEAyzLDLYM8F5gQhdZM4YVtuvSICYPet0z4CDi JX/vZmDi3AzzoEVaKeAM/0H9f9Ni547J2+8dZSllgTrA+fq0aMJVScAObIxTAQtEq0DoNBzPpVrm W10b4bmgePrAvNkifqSr5StymSBgwvoeW6GrJiyN4XhoLOadZzwgjqioR1nXw5tXtrr5sYdkZ06b 1WWHkxtu1hFTdLC7RYNxY07ytLNM+C2lplCwCwlWB7RwI9BL1Dhre4kv8uaaX2Gksaq9mDf9MSDW qQ0TJ/RAiwMGmFrzBEYI1J2Oyeshi/dqW4/OiZAukOIlxOnt6u8zU2KL6Qjxqqna0oTbS4Zv3fRd YkuUCL6CDEJdkuRAiW+Gw+lKcMjXqApEqixhaDkoB/kwtu+2gIFTzAxMfwFN1YtNc0kJZWnFkGIW MrrwTcOwAFzlFz7wn/EyMFtg+ERcqMX0+olXDwM8MODI2+BzulPuEDEteCw09hABEBAAGJAh8EGA ECAAkFAlQ7zoECGwwACgkQe9GDIN6t+hFjuQ//UQyg49f8TytUYQaBb8R0UfI+KhQFs1Nsz2z8a3 0CD1MeiHHYWdAcomVvTkg4g5LbnYHVDrj/XagY3FN/AIE97usFbsTG+rsWAOLi7N2dN2ehWZ634k MvrgyC9uTiOdkw31+B8K5MpyySgD8e6SAzRfiu06/bcQOUyJifw8Hudpj9by4uyGhSH+kHu4afrp OduUighbsGFtcuRwwQ/w/oSk68XvPUgiOQWMZh/pVoXdFyFvrt/hgArCi8dfy5UPK58nl7jPnu/I uQXrJ50nNAFIIxPVeo2/B83KAnEZPU+qWZsdba0V+FIIQQVizLtQFMuJJk4/UTAOfJ2tBpQ9PADX 6/scqDE7unXNWdxcHTjK7KmWjXC8CyhGOx8V/rb7Ial4mZo4cTED6SNlO7dV1XYwnSctL2HCYNM3 RUe4eJ7JWuu7/Nbf6yip2eq7BQKZ9hAH/se/OSZNYsEkZ4pxUc8W5U3uAZImUwC6L74SM0jBZIuD mQhOYX6sZZ6urIn/MYlj4/hqSBFS4vTK7nXRLmtr7+5T5U5srVseUiYc+l9pu9/XD8zGIu+M2xEd 41NwP44GDQTQm0bFljRv5fSblwmi56YHPFQUIh2RZNX3kOJgeyQ3enw5uY+7ocKRVP38hpnffliL lJcO6TtHWnElS3pACbTQM0RHJox3zqU3q6K3c=
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Subject: Re: [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Public Keys
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X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 12:14:54 -0000
Hi Werner, thanks for your response! > > A) Distribute updates to subkeys and the primary key (expiry, revocation, etc), > > without revealing the key's UserIDs. > > Easy for new and revoked subkeys. Easy how? You mean by allowing import of subkeys from TPKs without user ids? I'm a bit confused here: in the patch series I submitted to GnuPG towards that effect, said you weren't happy with this approach and referred to this thread. Perhaps I misunderstood. > Right, direct key signatures can be used but I we have not much > experience with them. Agreed. There are a bunch of details that would have to be figured out for this approach. I hope we can agree though that the idea of per-userid preferences ("this user id prefers Twofish, this other one AES") causes more problems and inconsistencies than it is worth. > Why should one want to do that? The user id (i.e. mail address or DNS > name) is important meta data. User IDs have value when a key wants to publicly claim a designation, and this is necessary for WoT style workflows where people sign this binding. But this use case hasn't exactly stood the test of time. With key discovery mechanisms like Autocrypt or WKD (the future!), we don't really depend on user ids anymore. Clients that have domain knowledge of the context that keys are used in (e.g. email clients) can assign much more useful labels than openpgp implementations themselves. This isn't just theory: OpenKeychain and K-9 associate keys with email addresses from Autocrypt keys independently from user ids, and can even work without user ids altogether. Enigmail maintains a similar mapping, and it is a central part of the Autocrypt spec. Sequoia uses a "pet names" concept that works similarly. I also think this is basically what GnuPG does with its TOFU trust model, at least that's what the database structure looks like. All of that said, I don't want to push super hard towards getting rid of user ids right now, or even at all. Perhaps we never can get that far. But thinking about where we can reduce metadata that isn't strictly necessary is a good thing, so yes I would welcome if we converged in a direction that reduced our reliance on user ids a bit. Moving from user ids to direct key signatures is probably too difficult in terms of backwards compatibility. But "unstated user ids", as similarly suggested in the abuse-resistant-keyserver draft, could be a good compatible step in this direction. - V
- [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Public … Vincent Breitmoser
- [openpgp] Optional User IDs Neal H. Walfield
- Re: [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Pub… Heiko Stamer
- Re: [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Pub… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Pub… Vincent Breitmoser
- Re: [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Pub… Werner Koch
- Re: [openpgp] Privacy-preserving Transferable Pub… Vincent Breitmoser