Re: [openpgp] Alternative to Base64

"brian m. carlson" <> Mon, 18 July 2016 23:21 UTC

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Subject: Re: [openpgp] Alternative to Base64
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On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 08:49:03PM +0200, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> As we discussed after the meeting,
> * Yes Base64 sucks
> * Yes alleged 'binary' transport SMTP also sucketh because dimwits insert
> CRLFs to wrap lines.
> There is an alternative that could be used, yenc is widely implemented on
> :
>  1. Fetch a character from the input stream.
>  2. Increment the character's ASCII value by 42, modulo 256
>  3. If the result is a critical character (as defined in the previous
>     section), write the escape character to the output stream and increment
>     character's ASCII value by 64, modulo 256.
>  4. Output the character to the output stream.
>  5. Repeat from start.
> Critical characters include the following:
> ASCII 00h (NULL)
> ASCII 0Ah (LF)
> ASCII 0Dh (CR)
> ASCII 3Dh (=)
> It ain't perfect but it is about 98% efficient and we need not
> necessarily do that exact scheme.

I would like to point out a use case we may not have considered:
clearsigned hash files.  It's very common for people to create files
that are the output of sha256sum or sha512sum and clearsign them, so
that everything's in one file.  This requires something that is
text-friendly and won't send escape sequences to the terminal.  yEnc
isn't that.

People also copy and paste ASCII-armored detached signatures and
clearsigned messages.  I work in an industry where my sole access to fix
customer machines is via an SSH terminal session; no SFTP or SCP is
allowed.  Anything that isn't text-friendly has to be base64 encoded.

I agree, Base64 sucks in a lot of ways, but people already are going to
have to implement the Radix-64 format for backwards compatibility.  Even
if we exclude it from the spec, people are still going to use it because
it meets their needs.  We might as well accept that and move on.
brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | | My opinion only