[OPSAWG] Fw: I-D Action:draft-khasnabish-cloud-industry-workitems-survey-00.txt

Bhumip Khasnabish <vumip1@gmail.com> Sat, 16 April 2011 21:11 UTC

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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.

	Title           : Cloud Industry Workitem Survey Results
	Author(s)       : B. Khasnabish, et al.
	Filename        : draft-khasnabish-cloud-industry-workitems-survey-00.txt
	Pages           : 164
	Date            : 2010-12-31

At the IETF 77 Clouds Bar BoF, it was suggested that an internet
draft on survey of standard organizations and working groups that are
focusing on cloud-based systems and services be prepared.  The
objective is to take a snapshot of industry activities related to
cloud features and functions for the purpose of creating a gap
analysis.  This document is that survey on industry work items.  At
the end of this survey a section on work item analysis is presented.

A URL for this Internet-Draft

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP

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