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Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1992 18:48:49 +0100
From: Operator <root@edf2.edf.fr>
Message-Id: <199202121748.AA18875@edf2.edf.fr>
To: osi-ds@cs.ucl.ac.uk
I have just finished reading several exchanges in which various views are offered about ways that the Internet Society might benefit the Internet community through registration of one kind or another. I quite agree with the observation that the Society be distinguishable from the Internet on the principle that the Internet is made up of components which are not the property of the Society. However, I also agree that the Society can and should act to assist the users and operators of the Internet in any way possible (within the charter of the Society). Registration of an arc of the OID, for instance, seems well within these parameters. If the osi-ds group can formulate a specific recommendation for the nature of the registration that would be desirable, and run this by the IESG and IAB for sanity checking, I will be happy to undertake the necessary steps. I have copied Jon Postel as one of the key interested parties in all of this and will send him the notes you were kind enough to copy isoc@nri.reston.va.us on for his information. Please let me know if I appear to have understood the gist of what you believe is needed. Since I sense there may still be some debate about the precise steps to take, I won't make any further moves until you come to a common recommendation. Vint