[OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00
Alan Davey <Alan.Davey@metaswitch.com> Thu, 30 May 2013 11:29 UTC
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From: Alan Davey <Alan.Davey@metaswitch.com>
To: "draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend@tools.ietf.org" <draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend@tools.ietf.org>
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Folks I have read draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 and found it interesting. It is clearly non-back-compatible with existing implementations of OSPFv3, but there is not much in the draft about the requirements. Could the authors please give some more details on what is driving the need for the LSA extensions? As an aside, the draft does not appear on the WG's Documents page on the IETF site. Is this because the draft should have "ospf" in its title, that is, "draft-acee-ospf-ospfv3-lsa-extend"? Regards Alan Davey Network Technologies Metaswitch Networks alan.davey@metaswitch.com<mailto:alan.davey@metaswitch.com> +44 (0) 20 8366 1177 network-technologies.metaswitch.com<http://network-technologies.metaswitch.com/>
- [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Anton Smirnov
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Acee Lindem
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Anton Smirnov
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Acee Lindem
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Peter Psenak
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Anton Smirnov
- [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Alan Davey
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Acee Lindem