[OSPF] Extensions to OSPF for Advertising Optional Router Capabilities

Erblichs <erblichs@earthlink.net> Tue, 12 December 2006 17:28 UTC

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	It has come to my attention about a possible
	inconsistency or ordering of non-consistent
	options now exist.

	Let me clarify... Graceful Restart example

		This new draft introduces new options / capabilities
		(Graceful Restart) with bit 0 and bit 1. These two bits
		alone can cause confusion, but with the additional
		requirement that GR requires Opaque LSA support we have
		a THIRD bit involvement.

		In some document, there needs clarification as to at
		least GR, whether the Opaque bit should first be checked
		before either of these two other bits to validate
		whether GR support is possible.

			The first doc (GRACE) never suggested the Opaque
			bit LSA check before a GR-LSA was initially adv...

		Secondly, there needs to be a clarification as what
		should be done if a router originates Grace-LSAs that
		originated this LSA and did NOT set bit 0 
		(OSPF graceful restart capable)

		Thirdly, does the adv having not set bit 1 
		(OSPF graceful restart helper) SUGGEST all full adj 
		nbrs that with to enter GR and understand this bit,
		check that this bit was set? And not send out a Grace-LSA
		if it wasn't...

		Fourth, does the support of either bit assume that the other
		bit is supported? If we set bit 1, does that mean bit "0" must
		be set?

	2) General comment / questions

	 A) What is meant by "OSPF routers MAY optionally advertise their
optional capabilities"?

		Thus, what is "gained" by advertising say the GR bits?

		Can a rtr optionally support its optional advs?
			Or stated another way..

		Can a rtr that has advertised GR functionality, support this
		to only a subset of its nbrs?
		Ex: Can a DR only support a rtr that is a BDR doing a GR and not
		    any DRothers doing a GR??????

	Thank you,
		Mitchell Erblich

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