Re: I-D ACTION:draft-mirtorabi-ospf-tunnel-adjacency-00.txt

Don Goodspeed <dgoodspe@EXCITE.COM> Wed, 11 June 2003 23:29 UTC

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Subject: Re: I-D ACTION:draft-mirtorabi-ospf-tunnel-adjacency-00.txt
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Sina, Peter,

Just got done reading the draft and had a few questions/comments.
On the whole, this looks like a solid proposal.

1. Encapsulation (section 4): Should section a) be a "should"?
Could it be acceptable to always encapsulate?

2. Section 4 clause b, last sentence.  "all implementation" should
be plural.

3. Areas: clarify what to call the area that is not the transit area.
In section 5, call out that the TA is announced as an unnum p2p link
in <insert term here>, as opposed to the TTA as it could be read.
Maybe "associated area" or "native area"?

4. Section 5, Link Data - is this the IP address used to transmit
the TA data over, or could it be a loopback interface?

5. Should we call out that the TTA and the "native area" cannot
be the same area?  I did not see this prohibition anywhere.

6. Cost of the TA - for using the TTA intra-area cost, do you propose
using a special metric setting (zero?) or a separate field/toggle for
allowing this (admin cost/oper cost?).

7. Consistency in sections 6 thru 9 in reference to [1].  Section 6
does not even contain a reference.  In all sections, should you call
out section numbers?  Do you intend the interface and adjacency FSMs
to adhere to the regular ones or the virtual ones?


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