Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00
Anton Smirnov <> Tue, 07 May 2013 08:44 UTC
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Date: Tue, 07 May 2013 10:43:41 +0200
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Subject: Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00
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Hi Acee, introducing non-backward-compatible revision of protocol is very big deal both for vendors and customers. What I am vigorously objecting is approach of developing non-backward-compatible protocol revision with "minimum of changes" being the primary requirement. This almost guarantees end result to be inefficient. Protocol *extension* must be designed to be backward compatible even if that makes it very complex. That complexity should be addressed by major protocol *revision*. Work on major protocol revision should start from writing requirements document - and this stage alone should probably last couple of years. > Additionally, > history has proven that more focused work has a better chance of > reaching fruition. That's why burning need for new feature should not be mentioned while discussing non-backward-compatible protocol extension. Latter should be developed on its own. Anton On 05/04/2013 11:31 PM, Acee Lindem wrote: > Hi Anton, > If you look at the drafts Fred recently refreshed, I think you'll have to > agree that we have a burning requirement for this extension. Additionally, > history has proven that more focused work has a better chance of reaching > fruition. As for backward compatibly, it is possible to do something akin > to RFC 1793 and the original unpublished version of this draft contained > these mechanisms. However, it is not clear that the complexity justifies > the mechanisms - we'll leave that for the WG to decide. > Acee > P.S. To quote a philosopher of the late 20th century, "You can't always > get what you want. But if you try sometimes well you might find you get > what you need." >
- [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Anton Smirnov
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Acee Lindem
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Anton Smirnov
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Acee Lindem
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Peter Psenak
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Anton Smirnov
- [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Alan Davey
- Re: [OSPF] draft-acee-ospfv3-lsa-extend-00 Acee Lindem