Re: Clarification in changing the router id dynamically!!

Acee Lindem <acee@REDBACK.COM> Tue, 08 July 2003 20:00 UTC

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From: Acee Lindem <acee@REDBACK.COM>
Subject: Re: Clarification in changing the router id dynamically!!
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kamatchi soundaram wrote:
> Hi Acee,
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Acee Lindem" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 6:25 PM
> Subject: Re: Clarification in changing the router id dynamically!!
>>kamatchi soundaram wrote:
>>>  If the router id of the router R1 is changed on the fly (dynamically),
>>>what factor triggers the adjacent router R2 connected to R1 via point to
>>>point link, to generate the new Router LSA???
>>> From the RFC i could infer that R1 will flush all his self originated
> lsas
>>>when it's router lsa has been changed.
>>>  But i couldn't find, how the R2 triggered to generate the new router
> lsa
>>>with the changed router id as is neighbor id in its router lsa??
>>Actually, since neighbors are identified by router ID on P2P links (as per
>>RFC 2338 section 8.2), R2 shouldn't recognize R1 with the new router ID
> and
>>should bring down the old adjacency with R1 and form a new one. A more
>>interesting question is what would happen on a broadcast or NBMA network
>>(where neighbors are identified by source address).
>>This case isn't explicitly handled by RFC 2328 and there is some variance
>>between implementations. At a minimum, the DR must recognize the change
>>in router ID and originate a new network LSA. I found that one popular
>>implementation required the router with the router ID change to bring its
>>adjacencies down (by sending a hello w/o any neighbor IDs) in order to

Hi Kamatchi,

> Does it mean that the R1 (router whose Id has got changed), should reset
> it's NSM with all its neighbor to down/init state and then send hello
> without any neighbor ids??
>   Since, R1 need to flush all it's self originated lsas before to bring down
> the adjacency and restart again, there needs some ample amount of time to
> flood and flush the lsas in the routing domain (atleast with the neighbor).
> So, i cannot send the hello packet (without any neighbors) immedietly after
> the sending out the max age lsas (to flush the self originated lsas).

I purge self-originated LSAs before sending the empty hello. I do both
before the router ID change. I do not add the self-originated LSAs to
any retransmission lists and I do not wait for acknowledgements. Some
implementations just let their old LSAs time out and without any
strong complaints.

>  Because if i do that, then there is a chance that before the self
> originated lsas are completely flushed out or sent from R1, the NSM may
> reverted to down state. Which will basically prevent the complete flushing
> of self oringinated lsas . . correct??

Only if your Link State Update packet is dropped.

>  My question is how can be the time between the flushing the lsas and
> hello's sent without the neighbor ids determined???
>  Since, if there is no significant amount left between the lsa flushing and
> new hello without neighbor id, then the entire system will be in bad
> condition.
> Thanks,
> Kamatchi.
>>>Thanks in advance,
