Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 address in Segment List of SRH
Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem <> Fri, 10 February 2017 06:38 UTC
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From: Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem <>
To: "Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)" <>
Thread-Topic: [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 address in Segment List of SRH
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Dear Previdi, Thanks for your reply. As per first version of draft, Adj-SID is also IPv6 prefix. 4.2.2. Adjacency-SID The Adjacency-SID identifies a given interface. In the SR architecture a node may advertise one or more Adj-SIDs allocated to a given interface so to force the forwarding of the packet (when received with that particular Adj-SID) into the interface, regardless the routing entry for the packet destination. The same is defined for SR-IPv6: a node may advertise a given IPv6 prefix which is associated to the SR semantic of "send out the packet to the interface this prefix is allocated to". Here also, the SID is in fact the IPv6 prefix. As per my understanding "segment list in SRH is global IPv6 prefixes, If we need to include Adj SID to segment list then Adj-SID is also global IPv6 prefix". Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. Thanks and Regards, Veerendranath -----Original Message----- From: Stefano Previdi (sprevidi) [] Sent: 09 February 2017 22:41 To: Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem <> Cc:;;; Subject: Re: [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 address in Segment List of SRH Hi, the first version of the draft (draft-previdi-6man-segment-routing-header) had a description of Node-SID and Adj-SID. Later, in order to simplify the document, we removed the descriptions and focused the document into the SRH format. I think it will be helpful to re-introduce a section on the two main SID types (Node, Adjacency). I’m working on an update for the next version. Thanks. s. > On Feb 9, 2017, at 5:02 PM, Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem <> wrote: > > Dear Authors, > > I am requesting your clarification regarding usage of Adj-SID in SRH header
- [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 address … Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Mark Smith
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Veerendranatha Reddy Vallem
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)
- Re: [OSPF] [IPv6 SR] Regarding 128 bits IPv6 addr… Brian E Carpenter