[OSPF] IETF 98 Call for OSPF WG Agenda Items

"Acee Lindem (acee)" <acee@cisco.com> Tue, 28 February 2017 15:41 UTC

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From: "Acee Lindem (acee)" <acee@cisco.com>
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Respected Members of the OSPF WG,

The preliminary agenda has been published and we have a slot on Thursday afternoon from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Since this is the Swissotel, all the conference rooms are named after Swiss cities and towns. However, whoever was in charge of naming either had very limited knowledge of Swiss geography or a very strong  affection for the largest city since there are no less than seven Zurich conference rooms (A-G). We are in Zurich D.

We are now taking requests for agenda slots. Please send you request to Abhay and Acee along with an indication of how long you'll require. In general, drafts should be published and, at least, introduced on this list prior to presentation.

Abhay and Acee