[OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration
"Acee Lindem (acee)" <acee@cisco.com> Thu, 18 May 2017 19:32 UTC
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From: "Acee Lindem (acee)" <acee@cisco.com>
To: Jeff Haas <jhaas@juniper.net>
CC: OSPF WG List <ospf@ietf.org>, "bfd@ietf.org" <bfd@ietf.org>, "draft-ietf-bfd-yang@ietf.org" <draft-ietf-bfd-yang@ietf.org>, "draft-ietf-ospf-yang@ietf.org" <draft-ietf-ospf-yang@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration
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Hi Jeff, At the OSPF WG Meeting in Chicago, you suggested that we may want to provide configuration of BFD parameters within the OSPF model (ietf-ospf.yang). We originally did have this configuration. However, after much discussion and coordination with the BFD YANG design team, we agreed to leave the BFD session parameters in BFD and only enable BFD within the OSPF and IS-IS models. We did discuss the fact that vendors (notably Cisco IOS-XR and Juniper JUNOS) do allow configuration within the IGPs. However, the consensus was to leave the BFD configuration in the BFD model. The heuristics to determine what parameters to use when the same BFD endpoint was configured with different parameters in different protocols were proprietary and somewhat of a hack. I may have not remembered all the details so I’d encourage others to chime in. Thanks, Acee
- [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Mahesh Jethanandani
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Mahesh Jethanandani
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Reshad Rahman (rrahman)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Mahesh Jethanandani
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Mahesh Jethanandani
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Greg Mirsky
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Greg Mirsky
- Re: [OSPF] IETF OSPF YANG and BFD Configuration Jeffrey Haas