[OSPF] 答复: Advertising Tunnelling Capability in OSPF - draft-xu-ospf-encapsulation-cap-02 WG Document Adoption Poll
Lizhenbin <lizhenbin@huawei.com> Mon, 12 October 2015 03:34 UTC
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From: Lizhenbin <lizhenbin@huawei.com>
To: "Acee Lindem (acee)" <acee@cisco.com>, OSPF WG List <ospf@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in OSPF - draft-xu-ospf-encapsulation-cap-02 WG Document Adoption Poll
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Owing to different application scenarios, there needs to be multiple protocols choice to advertising tunneling capability. IGP extension work in the field is import. I support the document to be adopted as the WG document. Best Regards, Zhenbin(Robin) -----邮件原件----- 发件人: Acee Lindem (acee) [mailto:acee@cisco.com] 发送时间: 2015年9月27日 3:34 收件人: OSPF WG List 主题: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in OSPF - draft-xu-ospf-encapsulation-cap-02 WG Document Adoption Poll This draft was presented in Prague and there was some support of using the IGP to disseminate tunnel encapsulation support throughout the OSPF routing domain. Please indicate your support (or concerns) for adopting this as a WG Document. Thanks, Acee _______________________________________________ OSPF mailing list OSPF@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ospf
- [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in OSPF … Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Xuxiaohu
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Uma Chunduri
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… bruno.decraene
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Luay Jalil
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Wunan (Eric)
- [OSPF] 答复: Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Lizhenbin
- Re: [OSPF] 答复: Advertising Tunnelling Capability … Anil Kumar
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [OSPF] Advertising Tunnelling Capability in O… Jeff Tantsura