Clarification in size of Rtr and network LSA

Krishna Rao <ospf_query@REDIFFMAIL.COM> Fri, 13 June 2003 10:24 UTC

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From: Krishna Rao <ospf_query@REDIFFMAIL.COM>
Subject: Clarification in size of Rtr and network LSA
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      This is the size of the Router LSA to be generated. We can not predict the size of the router LSA initially in the process of forming the Router LSA. Usually we allocate  (Max MTU size - (OSPF header size  + IP header size + MD5 authentication size) --> 1500 - (28 + 20 + 16)= 1436) and start filling the LSA. For Point to point interface we add two links and need 24 bytes for each point to point interface. That results in supporting only 59 interfaces in a single area. Is this an acceptable argument? or Should we design such that OSPF sends a LSA more than MTU size and gets fragmented in IP. 
What is the scalabilty figure for Number of interfaces in a area for popular routers?

Thanks in advance,
Krishna" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" width="496" height="75" border="0">