[Pce] Clarification Regarding Binding SID in SR-ERO/SRv6-ERO
Mrinmoy Das <mrinmoy.ietf@gmail.com> Wed, 17 May 2023 07:32 UTC
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From: Mrinmoy Das <mrinmoy.ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 13:02:21 +0530
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Subject: [Pce] Clarification Regarding Binding SID in SR-ERO/SRv6-ERO
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Hello Team, I was reading https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-pce-binding-label-sid/16/ and find below sections: 6. Binding SID in SR-ERO In PCEP messages, LSP route information is carried in the Explicit Route Object (ERO), which consists of a sequence of subobjects. [RFC8664] defines the "SR-ERO subobject" capable of carrying a SID as well as the identity of the node/adjacency (NAI) represented by the SID. The NAI Type (NT) field indicates the type and format of the NAI contained in the SR-ERO. In case of binding SID, the NAI MUST NOT be included and NT MUST be set to zero. [RFC8664] Section 5.2.1 specifies bit settings and error handling in the case when NT=0. 7. Binding SID in SRv6-ERO [I-D.ietf-pce-segment-routing-ipv6] defines the "SRv6-ERO subobject" for an SRv6 SID. Similarly to SR-ERO (Section 6), the NAI MUST NOT be included and the NT MUST be set to zero. [RFC8664] Section 5.2.1 specifies bit settings and error handling in the case when NT=0. Suppose in a SR LSP, there is an ERO object with 3 ero-subobjects, having MPLS labels 20, 50, 80. Now, this LSP also has 3 binding TLV, having MPLS labels 10, 50, 75. Now, my questions are: 1. Is the restriction mentioned in section 6 means only ERO sub-object having MPLS label 50 will not have any NAI as the same label is present as Binding value? Other ERO sub-objects having label 20 and 80 can have NAI as there is no binding value same to it? 2. How does the SID/Label stack look for this LSP in example? Thanks & Regards, Mrinmoy
- [Pce] Clarification Regarding Binding SID in SR-E… Mrinmoy Das
- Re: [Pce] Clarification Regarding Binding SID in … Dhruv Dhody