[Pce] Re: Thinking about PCEP over QUIC
韩婷婷 <hantingting@chinamobile.com> Fri, 08 November 2024 09:29 UTC
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Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 17:29:29 +0800
From: 韩婷婷 <hantingting@chinamobile.com>
To: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
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Hi Adrian, Thank you for your and Dhruv's suggestions which are very helpful for us. I may not have given this issue enough consideration before the meeting. Preliminarily, I agree with that a new UDP port may not be necessary. We will update this part in the next version and collect the comments from the QUIC Working Group. Thank you for your comments! Best Regards, Tingting Han China Mobile Mobile: +86 13810236960 e-mail: hantingting@chinamobile.com 发件人: Adrian Farrel 时间: 2024/11/07(星期四)05:49 收件人: hantingting; 抄送人: pce; 主题: Thinking about PCEP over QUICHi Tingting, Thanks for your presentation in today's meeting. I wanted to expand on my comment about the use of a new UDP port number specifically for PCEP over QUIC. I am not a QUIC expert, and I suspect Dhruv isn't either, but we chatted quickly and our understanding is the same. That is, the source and destination UDP ports are not tied to the application, but it is the QUIC connection ID that can be used to determine the use to which the connection is put, with ALPN being the way that that information I exchanged. My suggestion was to look at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-netconf-over-quic/ I think this would be a good model for your PCEP work. After all, the behavior and use case for PCEP is not dissimilar to Netconf. The Netconf draft does not assign a UDP port number. I think that the Netconf working group discussed this with QUIC experts to make sure they were doing the right thing. However, I think you have modelled your approach on https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-retana-idr-bgp-quic/ That draft does suggest using a new port number. So I went to have a chat with Alvaro about what is going on there. His explanation was that Dhruv and I have correctly understood QUIC, but that BGP is a special case because it runs on the critical path (both in the router and in the routing infrastructure). Therefore, he claimed, it was necessary to use a different port number so that BGP-over-QUIC could be easily distinguished from any other use of QUIC allowing the router to prioritise BGP or block other applications. My claim that this could easily be handled with the connection ID was answered by Alvaro saying that the use of the port number allowed other uses to be filtered out with less processing - this is possibly true, but I find it debatable that there is much saving. Anyway, I think that PCEP is closer to Netconf than to BGP (not BGP-LS). A possible way forward would be to reach out to the QUIC working group and ask their advice. Cheers, Adrian
- [Pce] Re: Thinking about PCEP over QUIC 韩婷婷
- [Pce] Thinking about PCEP over QUIC Adrian Farrel