[Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-10.txt
xiong.quan@zte.com.cn Fri, 06 September 2024 09:21 UTC
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Hi Greg, Joel and all, Thanks for your discussion on the MPLS mailing list as following link shown~ https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/mpls/e3CI8xeDN1OTu5FgAIB6tI_yRaY/ Allow me to take the discussion to PCE. As per RFC9545 and draft-ietf-spring-srv6-path-segment, a path segment can identify a SR path, a SR policy, a candidate-path or a SID-List in a SR policy. But this document did not mention the path segment processing within SR policy PCEP instantiation. It may cause some misunderstandings about PCEP processes and parameters for path segment within a SR policy. So I suggest to add some texts for next version of this draft. Please see inline with <suggested text>. 1 Introduction [RFC8664] specifies extensions to the Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) [RFC5440] for SR networks, that allow a stateful PCE to compute and initiate SR-TE paths, as well as a PCC to request, report or delegate SR paths. <suggested text> "[ietf-pce-segment-routing-policy-cp] specifies the PCEP extension to signal candidate paths of the SR Policy. " This document specifies a mechanism to carry the SR path identification information in PCEP messages [RFC5440] [RFC8231] [RFC8281]. The SR path identifier can be a Path Segment in SR-MPLS [RFC9545] and SRv6 [I-D.ietf-spring-srv6-path-segment], or other IDs that can identify an SR path <suggested text> "or an SR Policy". This document also extends the PCECC- SR mechanism to inform the Path Segment to the egress PCC. 5.1.1 Ingress PCC-Initiated Path Segment Allocation The PATH-SEGMENT TLV MUST be included in an LSP object in the PCInitiate message sent from the PCE to the egress to request Path Segment allocation by the egress PCC. The P flag in LSP object MUST be set to 0. This PCInitiate message to egress PCC would be the similar to the one sent to ingress PCC as per [RFC8664], but the egress PCC would only allocate the Path Segment and would not trigger the LSP initiation operation (as it would be the egress for this LSP). <suggested text> "The association object should also be carried in PCInitiate message to indicate the SR policy association parameters as per [ietf-pce-segment-routing-policy-cp] if this path segment identifies an SR policy." What is your thoughts with these texts? Thanks! Best Regards, Quan <<[Pce] I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-10.txt internet-drafts@ietf.org Wed, 28 August 2024 13:56 UTCShow header Internet-Draft draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-10.txt is now available. It is a work item of the Path Computation Element (PCE) WG of the IETF. Title: Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extension for Path Segment in Segment Routing (SR) Authors: Cheng Li Mach(Guoyi) Chen Weiqiang Cheng Rakesh Gandhi Quan Xiong Name: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-10.txt Pages: 25 Dates: 2024-08-28 Abstract: The Path Computation Element (PCE) provides path computation functions in support of traffic engineering in Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) networks. The Source Packet Routing in Networking (SPRING) architecture describes how Segment Routing (SR) can be used to steer packets through an IPv6 or MPLS network using the source routing paradigm. A Segment Routed Path can be derived from a variety of mechanisms, including an IGP Shortest Path Tree (SPT), explicit configuration, or a Path Computation Element (PCE). Path identification is needed for several use cases such as performance measurement in Segment Routing (SR) network. This document specifies extensions to the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) to support requesting, replying, reporting and updating the Path Segment ID (Path SID) between PCEP speakers. The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment/There is also an HTMLized version available at:https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-10A diff from the previous version is available at:https://author-tools.ietf.org/iddiff?url2=draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-10Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at: rsync.ietf.org::internet-drafts [Pce] I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-… internet-drafts
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… xiong.quan
- [Pce] I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segment-… internet-drafts
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Joel Halpern
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Dhruv Dhody
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… xiong.quan
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Cheng Li
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Joel Halpern
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… xiong.quan
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Cheng Li
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Dhruv Dhody
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Cheng Li
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… xiong.quan
- [Pce] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-pce-sr-path-segm… Dhruv Dhody