[Pearg] Fwd: [Busec] Virtual BUsec seminar Wed 9/30 at 9:45 am: Sarah Scheffler, "Protecting Cryptography from Self-Incrimination"
"David R. Oran" <daveoran@orandom.net> Sat, 26 September 2020 14:11 UTC
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Subject: [Pearg] Fwd: [Busec] Virtual BUsec seminar Wed 9/30 at 9:45 am: Sarah Scheffler, "Protecting Cryptography from Self-Incrimination"
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This work might be of interest to the PEARG community. DaveO Forwarded message: > From: Sarah Scheffler <sscheff@bu.edu> > To: busec <busec@cs.bu.edu> > Subject: [Busec] Virtual BUsec seminar Wed 9/30 at 9:45 am: Sarah > Scheffler, "Protecting Cryptography from Self-Incrimination" > Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 10:26:53 -0600 > > *Date/time: *Wed 9/30 at 9:45am ET > *Zoom link: * > https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/222968851?pwd=RTBhSnVnbDhqbnFrMWRSeVU1alYyUT09 > *Meeting ID: *222 968 851 > *Password: *115101 > > - > > *Speaker: *Sarah Scheffler > *Title: *"Protecting Cryptography from Self-Incrimination" > *Abstract: * > The information security community has devoted substantial effort to > the > design, development, and universal deployment of strong encryption > schemes > that withstand search and seizure by computationally-powerful > nation-state > adversaries. In response, governments are increasingly turning to a > different tactic: issuing subpoenas that compel people to decrypt > devices > themselves, under the penalty of contempt of court if they do not > comply. > Compelled decryption subpoenas sidestep questions around government > search > powers that have dominated the Crypto Wars and instead touch upon a > different (and still unsettled) area of the law: how encryption > relates to > a person's right to silence and against self-incrimination. > > In this work, we provide a rigorous, composable definition of a > critical > piece of the law that determines whether cryptosystems are vulnerable > to > government compelled disclosure in the United States. We justify our > definition by showing that it is consistent with prior court cases. We > prove that decryption is often not compellable by the government under > our > definition. Conversely, we show that many techniques that bolster > security > overall can leave one more vulnerable to compelled disclosure. > > As a result, we initiate the study of protecting cryptographic > protocols > against the threat of future compelled disclosure. We find that secure > multi-party computation is particularly vulnerable to this threat, and > we > design and implement new schemes that are provably resilient in the > face of > government compelled disclosure. We believe this work should influence > the > design of future cryptographic primitives and contribute toward the > legal > debates over the constitutionality of compelled decryption. > > *Bio:* > Sarah is a fifth-year PhD student in the crypto/security group at > Boston > University, advised by Prof. Mayank Varia. Her research examines > topics in > the intersection of law and cryptography, as well as zero-knowledge > and > secure messaging. > _______________________________________________ > Busec mailing list > Busec@cs-mailman.bu.edu > https://cs-mailman.bu.edu/mailman/listinfo/busec
- [Pearg] Fwd: [Busec] Virtual BUsec seminar Wed 9/… David R. Oran
- Re: [Pearg] Fwd: [Busec] Virtual BUsec seminar We… Heinrich Feuerbach
- Re: [Pearg] Fwd: [Busec] Virtual BUsec seminar We… DNR