Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Information Tagging for Logs (draft-rao-pitfol-02)
Bron Gondwana <> Thu, 27 August 2020 11:27 UTC
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Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 21:27:20 +1000
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Subject: Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Information Tagging for Logs (draft-rao-pitfol-02)
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I support the adoption of this concept and this document. A mini review: With my developer hat on, I don't find the document particularly actionable - it has an example, but otherwise doesn't clearly articulate how and what to store. This level of specification is fine if you control all the parts of the system, but at that point this document collapses just being to an entreaty to have an obfuscation layer. If this is supposed to interoperate between systems by different vendors or within different scopes of control, it should be more rigorous in defining exact structure. I was also confused by the table of specific items and levels of protection required - it seems both incomplete and somewhat arbitrary in the sensitivity levels given to different fields - and definitely the final form of this document will need to refer to an IANA registry or some other location at which a canonical list of known items can be found. Regarding that format - if I was designing something like this I would have: * name:"CONTAINSPII_personName:Joe Blogs" from that table be written to the log - something like that - prefixing the value such that the formats didn't change at all, and the tagging stayed with the value. Anything doing redaction would redact every unknown CONTAINSPII_{Name}, and have a lookup table to decide whether to redact known items. This avoids encoding specific PII levels into the log format itself and keeps the tagging with the value through many more conversions (though I do admit it fails on non-string fields). I may be missing something here though. Cheers, Bron. On Mon, Aug 17, 2020, at 19:20, Sara Dickinson wrote: > Hi All, > > This email starts a two week Call for Adoption of the draft 'Personal Information Tagging for Logs’. The draft is available at: > > Please review this draft to see if you think it is suitable for adoption by PEARG and send comments to the list, clearly stating your view. > > This call for adoption ends on 31st August 2020. > > Sara. > -- > Pearg mailing list > > > -- Bron Gondwana, CEO, Fastmail Pty Ltd
- [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Information T… Sara Dickinson
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… tirumal reddy
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… Sara Dickinson
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… Niels ten Oever
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… Amelia Andersdotter
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… Bron Gondwana
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… Sara Dickinson
- Re: [Pearg] Call for Adoption: Personal Informati… Sandeep Rao