Re: [Pearg] descriptive censorship work: draft-hall-censorship-tech

Shivan Sahib <> Fri, 17 May 2019 02:23 UTC

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Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 19:23:40 -0700
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Subject: Re: [Pearg] descriptive censorship work: draft-hall-censorship-tech
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Hi Joe!

Chris, you and I have talked about this offline, but just to close that
loop, I would personally like to see this draft in PEARG. We can discuss
whether we want to keep this a regularly-updated-draft or something else in
the RG meeting at IETF 105 (we can do a short presentation, if you're

One thing that would be good to see more of in the draft would be technical
ways to get around censorship by using privacy-preserving technology. That
discussion definitely does not have to be exhaustive!


On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 1:46 AM Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> wrote:

> (Bcc'ing SECDISPATCH and SAAG as an FYI; thread on PEARG)
> Hello, apologies for cross-posting.
> At IETF 91 in 2014 we presented some very early work before SAAG that
> describes how global censors use protocols to censor data flows (block,
> impair, modify, etc.). After some editing in subsequent years based on
> superb feedback from SAAG folks (Stephane B., Andrew M., thank you!) we had
> tentative AD sponsorship and some thoughts that this was better on the IETF
> side of the house rather than in a RG.
> We've started to work on it again* and since the original draft we now
> have SECDISPATCH to help "the misfit toys of security" find a home in terms
> of IETF process... I very briefly described this work yesterday in
> SECDISPATCH and Chris Wood, the new PEARG co-chair, suggested that PEARG
> would be a good place for this work since part of what they would like to
> do in that RG is document certain privacy-implicating things in the real
> world.
> We don't really have a preference where this ends up -- there's even a
> case to be made that given the dynamic nature of censorship that this will
> necessarily always be a work in progress. We have heard people find it
> useful and PEARG seems as good as anywhere, and obviously the process to
> get to an RG RFC would help it get better (at least that is my impression!).
> Here is the current version of the draft and the repo we're using to track
> issues and version the doc:
> draft:
> repo:
> Would love to hear if this is something people think PEARG would like to
> work on and we have some ideas about additional documents in a series like
> this (e.g., having some real-world descriptive reference on research and
> practice in terms of traffic analysis could be really useful for IETF
> folks, I suspect.)
> Cheers! --Joe Hall
> (copying two co-authors, Stan from CDT and Nick from Princeton)
> * IASA2 has been a big focus of my own for the last two years.
> --
> Joseph Lorenzo Hall
> Chief Technologist, Center for Democracy & Technology [
> ]
> 1401 K ST NW STE 200, Washington DC 20005-3497
> e:, p: 202.407.8825, pgp:
> Fingerprint: 3CA2 8D7B 9F6D DBD3 4B10  1607 5F86 6987 40A9 A871
> Don't miss out! CDT's Tech Prom is April 10, 2019, at The
> Anthem. Please join us:
> --
> Pearg mailing list