[perpass] SMTP and SRV records
Derek Fawcus <dfawcus+lists-perpass@employees.org> Tue, 24 November 2015 20:11 UTC
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Given the current UK IPB bill, I got pondering about SMTP again. SMTP uses MX DNS records, and so its always known to be on port 25, would there be much value in moving to using SRV records, such that it could move off port 25, making TPB's task a bit more difficult? DF
- [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Eliot Lear
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Ted Lemon
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Ted Hardie
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Eliot Lear
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Brian Trammell
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Eliot Lear
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Robin Wilton
- [perpass] commentariat (was: Re: SMTP and SRV rec… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [perpass] commentariat (was: Re: SMTP and SRV… Robin Wilton