[pim] [Shepherding AD review] Pre-IETF Last-Call review of draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa-04
"Gunter van de Velde (Nokia)" <gunter.van_de_velde@nokia.com> Fri, 30 August 2024 07:10 UTC
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From: "Gunter van de Velde (Nokia)" <gunter.van_de_velde@nokia.com>
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# Gunter Van de Velde, RTG AD, comments for draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa-04 This is a shepherding AD draft review before starting the process of the IETF LC. #GENERIC COMMENTS #================ ## Many thanks to Stig Venaas for the Shepherd writeup ## idnits spits some warnings and unused references: https://author-tools.ietf.org/api/idnits?url=https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa-04.txt ## When searching the PIM WG archives there has been very little discussion about this work on the list. ## The text sturcture and grammar was not always easy to follow. I tried to provide alternate text proposals fixing them. I tried to keep original objective intact ## section 6. Security considerations is rather compact. The solution in the draft uses tunnels and LFA technology and these may have implicit relevant security considerations. I took liberty to add a set of those considerations at the end of this review message to look at and potentially validate against usage in a MoFRR enabled environment. #DETAILED COMMENTS #================= ##classified as [minor] and [major] 55 Abstract 56 57 Multicast-only Fast Reroute (MoFRR) has been defined in RFC7431, 58 but the selection of the secondary multicast next hop depends on the 59 loop-free alternate fast reroute, which has restrictions in 60 multicast deployments. This document describes a mechanism for 61 Multicast-only Fast Reroute by using Topology Independent Loop-free 62 Alternate fast reroute, which is independent of network topology and 63 can achieve the coverage of more network environments. [minor] An abstract should be about what is included within this document and be clear about objectives and the procedures. WHat about following alternate abstract: " This document specifies the use of Topology Independent Loop-Free Alternate (TI-LFA) mechanisms with Multicast Only Fast ReRoute (MoFRR) for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). TI-LFA provides fast reroute protection for unicast traffic in IP networks by precomputing backup paths that avoid potential failures. By integrating TI-LFA with MoFRR, this document extends the benefits of fast reroute mechanisms to multicast traffic, enabling enhanced resilience and minimized packet loss in multicast networks. The document outlines the necessary protocol extensions and operational considerations to implement TI-LFA in conjunction with MoFRR for PIM, ensuring that multicast traffic is rapidly rerouted in the event of a failure. " 84 1. Introduction 85 86 As the deployment of video services, operators are paying more and 87 more attention to solutions that minimize the service disruption due 88 to faults in the IP network carrying the packets for these services. 89 Multicast-only Fast Reroute (MoFRR) has been defined in [RFC7431], 90 which can minimize multicast packet loss in a network when node or 91 link failures occur by making simple enhancements to multicast 92 routing protocols such as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). But 93 the selection of the secondary multicast next hop only according to 94 the loop-free alternate fast reroute in [RFC7431], and there are 95 limitations in multicast deployments for this mechanism. This 96 document describes a new mechanism for Multicast-only Fast Reroute 97 using Topology Independent Loop-free Alternate (TI-LFA) fast 98 reroute, which is independent of network topology and can achieve 99 covering more network environments. This document applies to PIM 100 networks, including scenarios where PIM operates over native IP, as 101 well as public network multicast trees established by PIM. It covers 102 scenarios involving RFC 6037 MDT SAFI for MVPN and RFC 6514 (PIM-SSM 103 Tree, PIM-SM Tree, BIDIR-PIM Tree). [minor] proposed rewrite: " The increasing deployment of video services has heightened the importance for network operators to implement solutions that minimize service disruptions caused by faults in the IP networks carrying these services. Multicast-only Fast Reroute (MoFRR), as defined in [RFC7431], offers a mechanism to reduce multicast packet loss in the event of node or link failures by introducing simple enhancements to multicast routing protocols, such as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). However, the current MoFRR mechanism, which selects the secondary multicast next hop based solely on the loop-free alternate fast reroute defined in [RFC7431], has limitations in certain multicast deployment scenarios. This document introduces a new mechanism for Multicast-only Fast Reroute using Topology Independent Loop-Free Alternate (TI-LFA) fast reroute. Unlike traditional methods, TI-LFA is independent of network topology, enabling broader coverage across diverse network environments. The applicability of this mechanism extends to PIM networks, including scenarios where PIM operates over native IP, as well as public network multicast trees established by PIM. Additionally, this document addresses scenarios involving RFC 6037 MDT SAFI for Multicast VPN (MVPN) and RFC 6514, covering PIM-SSM Tree, PIM-SM Tree, and BIDIR-PIM Tree deployments. " 113 1.2. Terminology 114 115 This document use the terms defined in [RFC7431], and also use the 116 concepts defined in [RFC7490]. The specific content of each term is 117 not described in this document. [minor] proposed rewrite: " This document utilizes the terminology as defined in [RFC7431] and incorporates the concepts established in [RFC7490]. The definitions of individual terms are not reiterated within this document. " 119 2. Problem Statement 120 121 2.1. LFA for MoFRR 122 123 In [RFC7431] section 3, the secondary Upstream Multicast Hop (UMH) 124 of PIM for MoFRR is a loop-free alternate (LFA). However, the 125 traditional LFA mechanism needs to satisfy at least one neighbor 126 whose next hop to the destination node is an acyclic next hop, 127 existing limitations in network deployments, and can only cover part 128 of the network topology environments. In some network topologies, 129 the corresponding secondary UMH cannot be calculated, so PIM cannot 130 establish a standby multicast tree and cannot implement MoFRR 131 protection. Therefore, the current MoFRR of PIM is only available in 132 the network topology applicable to LFA. 133 134 The problem of current MoFRR applicability can be illustrated by the 135 example network shown in Figure 1. The metric of R1-R4 link is 20, 136 the metric of R5-R6 link is 100, and the metrics of other links are 137 10. 138 139 Towards multicast source S1, the primary path of the PIM join packet 140 is R3->R2->R1, and the secondary path is R3->R4->R1, which is the 141 same as the LFA path of unicast routing. In this case, the current 142 MoFRR can work well. 143 144 Towards multicast source S2, the primary path of the PIM join packet 145 is R3->R2. However, the LFA does not exist. If R3 sends the packet 146 to R4, R4 will forward it back to R3, as the IGP shortest path from 147 R4 to R1 is R4->R3->R2. In this case, the secondary UMH cannot be 148 calculated by the current MoFRR. Similarly for multicast source S3, 149 the current MoFRR does not work either. 150 151 [S1]---(R1)----------(R4) 152 | | 153 | | 154 | | 155 | | ------+------ 156 [S2]---(R2)----------(R3)---[R] Link |Metric 157 | | ------+------ 158 | | R1-R4 | 20 159 | | R5-R6 | 100 160 | | Other | 10 161 [S3]---(R5)---(R6)---(R7) ------+------ 162 163 Figure 1: Example Network Topology [minor] The use of "acyclic next hop" is changed to loop-free as that is terminology most people will be familiar with [minor] proposed rewrite: " Section 3 of [RFC7431] specifies that the secondary Upstream Multicast Hop (UMH) in PIM for MoFRR is a Loop-Free Alternate (LFA). However, the traditional LFA mechanism requires that at least one neighbor's next hop to the destination node is an loop-free next hop. Due to existing limitations in network deployments, this mechanism only covers certain network topology environments. In specific network topologies, the corresponding secondary UMH cannot be computed, preventing PIM from establishing a standby multicast tree and thus from implementing MoFRR protection. Consequently, the current MoFRR functionality in PIM is applicable only in network topologies where LFA is feasible. The limitations of the current MoFRR applicability can be illustrated using the example network depicted in Figure 1. In this example, the metric of the R1-R4 link is 20, the metric of the R5-R6 link is 100, and the metrics of the other links are 10. For multicast source S1, the primary path of the PIM join packet is R3->R2->R1, and the secondary path is R3->R4->R1, which corresponds to the LFA path of unicast routing. In this scenario, the current MoFRR operates effectively. For multicast source S2, the primary path of the PIM join packet is R3->R2. However, an LFA does not exist. If R3 sends the packet to R4, R4 will forward it back to R3 because the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) shortest path from R4 to R1 is R4->R3->R2. In this case, the current MoFRR cannot calculate a secondary UMH. Similarly, for multicast source S3, the current MoFRR mechanism is ineffective. [S1]---(R1)----------(R4) | | | | | | | | ------+------ [S2]---(R2)----------(R3)---[R] Link |Metric | | ------+------ | | R1-R4 | 20 | | R5-R6 | 100 | | Other | 10 [S3]---(R5)---(R6)---(R7) ------+------ Figure 1: Example Network Topology " 165 2.2. RLFA for MoFRR 166 167 The remote loop-free alternate (RLFA) defined in [RFC7490] is 168 extended from the LFA and can cover more network deployment 169 scenarios through the tunnel as an alternate path. The RLFA 170 mechanism needs to satisfy at least one node assumed to be N in the 171 network that the fault node is neither on the path from the source 172 node to the N node, nor on the path from the N node to the 173 destination node. 174 175 [RFC5496] defines the RPF Vector attribute that can be carried in 176 the PIM Join packet such that the path is selected based on the 177 unicast reachability of the RPF Vector. The secondary multicast tree 178 of MoFRR can be established by using the combination of RLFA 179 mechanism and RPF Vector, which would cover more network topologies 180 than the current MoFRR with LFA. 180 182 For example, in the network of Figure 1, the secondary path of PIM 183 join packet towards multicast source S2 cannot be calculated by the 184 current MoFRR, as mentioned above. Based on the RLFA mechanism, R3 185 sends the packet to R4 along with an RPF Vector containing the IP 186 address of R1, which is the PQ node of R3 with respect to the 187 protected link R2-R3. Then R4 will forward the packet to R1 through 188 the link R1-R4, according to the unicast route for the RPF Vector. 189 R1 continues to forward the packet to R2, and the secondary path, 190 R3->R4->R1->R2, is established by MoFRR with RLFA. [minor] proposed rewrite: " The Remote Loop-Free Alternate (RLFA), as defined in [RFC7490], extends the traditional LFA mechanism, allowing it to accommodate a broader range of network deployment scenarios by utilizing a tunnel as an alternate path. The RLFA mechanism requires that there exists at least one node, denoted as node N, in the network where the fault node is neither on the path from the source node to node N nor on the path from node N to the destination node. [RFC5496] introduces the RPF Vector attribute, which can be included in the PIM Join packet to ensure that the path is selected based on the unicast reachability of the RPF Vector. By combining the RLFA mechanism with the RPF Vector, the secondary multicast tree for MoFRR can be established, thereby supporting a wider range of network topologies compared to the current MoFRR implementation with LFA. For instance, in the network illustrated in Figure 1, the secondary path for the PIM Join packet towards multicast source S2 cannot be computed by the current MoFRR, as previously described. Utilizing the RLFA mechanism, R3 sends the packet to R4, including an RPF Vector containing the IP address of R1, which serves as the PQ node of R3 with respect to the protected R2-R3 link. Subsequently, R4 forwards the packet to R1 via the R1-R4 link, in accordance with the unicast route associated with the RPF Vector. R1 then continues to forward the packet to R2, thereby establishing the secondary path, R3->R4->R1->R2, using MoFRR with RLFA. " 192 2.3. TI-LFA for MoFRR 193 194 However, RLFA is also topology dependent. In the network of Figure 195 1, towards multicast source S3, the primary path of the PIM join 196 packet is R3->R2->R5, but the RLFA path does not exist. This is 197 because the PQ node of R3 with respect to the protected link R2-R3 198 does not exist. If R3 sends the packet to R7 along with an RPF 199 Vector containing the IP address of R5, R7 will forward it back to 200 R3, since the IGP shortest path from R7 to R5 is R7->R3->R2->R5. Or, 201 if R3 sends the packet to R7 along with an RPF Vector containing the 202 IP address of R6, R7 will forward it to R6, but then R6 will forward 203 it back to R7, since the IGP shortest path from R6 to R5 is 204 R6->R7->R3->R2->R5. In this case, the secondary UMH cannot be 205 calculated by MoFRR with RLFA. 206 207 RLFA only has enhancement compared to LFA but still has limitations. 208 [I-D.ietf-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa] defines a unicast FRR 209 solution based on the TI-LFA mechanism. The TI-LFA mechanism can 210 express the backup path with an explicit path, and has no constraint 211 on the topology, providing a more reliable FRR mechanism. The 212 unicast traffic can be forwarded according to the explicit path list 213 as an alternate path to implement unicast traffic protection, and 214 can achieve full coverage of various networking environments. 215 216 The alternate path provided by the TI-LFA mechanism is actually a 217 Segment List, including the NodeSID of P space node and the 218 Adjacency SID(s) of link(s) between the P space and the Q space. PIM 219 can look up the corresponding node IP address in the unicast route 220 according to the NodeSID, and the IP addresses of the two endpoints 221 of the corresponding link in the unicast route according to the 222 Adjacency SIDs, but the multicast protocol packets cannot be 223 directly sent along the path of the Segment List. 224 225 PIM join messages need to be sent hop-by-hop to establish a standby 226 multicast tree. However, not all of the nodes and links on the 227 unicast alternate path are included in the Segment List. If the PIM 228 protocol packets are transmitted only in unicast mode, then 229 equivalently the PIM packets are transmitted through the unicast 230 tunnel like unicast traffic, and cannot pass through the 231 intermediate nodes of the tunnel. The intermediate nodes of the 232 alternate path cannot forward multicast traffic because there are no 233 PIM state entries on the nodes. PIM needs to create entries on the 234 device hop-by-hop and generate an incoming interface and an outgoing 235 interface list. So, it can form an end-to-end complete multicast 236 tree for forwarding multicast traffic. Therefore, simply sending PIM 237 join packets with the Segment List, like the unicast traffic, cannot 238 establish a standby multicast tree. [minor] proposed rewrite: " While RLFA provides enhanced capabilities over LFA, it remains dependent on the network topology. In the network depicted in Figure 1, the primary path of the PIM Join packet towards multicast source S3 is R3->R2->R5. However, an RLFA path does not exist because the PQ node of R3 with respect to the protected link R2-R3 is absent. If R3 sends the packet to R7 with an RPF Vector containing the IP address of R5, R7 will forward it back to R3, as the IGP shortest path from R7 to R5 is R7->R3->R2->R5. Similarly, if R3 sends the packet to R7 with an RPF Vector containing the IP address of R6, R7 will forward it to R6, but R6 will then forward it back to R7, as the IGP shortest path from R6 to R5 is R6->R7->R3->R2->R5. In this scenario, MoFRR with RLFA is unable to compute a secondary UMH. RLFA offers improvements over LFA but still has inherent limitations. [I-D.ietf-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-lfa] defines a unicast FRR solution based on the TI-LFA mechanism. The TI-LFA mechanism allows the expression of a backup path using an explicit path and imposes no constraints on the network topology, thus providing a more robust FRR mechanism. Unicast traffic can be forwarded according to an explicit path list as an alternate path to protect unicast traffic, achieving full coverage across various network environments. The alternate path provided by the TI-LFA mechanism is represented as a Segment List, which includes the NodeSID of the P-space node and the Adjacency SIDs of the links between the P-space and Q-space nodes. PIM can look up the corresponding node IP address in the unicast route according to the NodeSID and the IP addresses of the endpoints of the corresponding link in the unicast route according to the Adjacency SIDs. However, multicast protocol packets cannot be directly forwarded along the path of the Segment List. To establish a standby multicast tree, PIM Join messages need to be transmitted hop-by-hop. However, not all nodes and links on the unicast alternate path are included in the Segment List. If PIM protocol packets are transmitted solely in unicast mode, they effectively traverse the unicast tunnel like unicast traffic and do not pass through the intermediate nodes of the tunnel. Consequently, the intermediate nodes on the alternate path cannot forward multicast traffic because they lack PIM state entries. PIM must create entries on each device hop-by-hop, generating an incoming interface and an outgoing interface list, to form a complete end-to-end multicast tree for forwarding multicast traffic. Therefore, simply sending PIM Join packets using the Segment List, as done with unicast traffic, is insufficient to establish a standby multicast tree. " 240 3. Solution 241 242 A secondary Upstream Multicast Hop (UMH) is a candidate next-hop 243 that can be used to reach the root of the tree. In this document 244 the secondary UMH is based on unicast routing to find the Segment 245 List calculated by TI-LFA. 246 247 In principle, the path information of the Segment List is added to 248 the PIM packets to guide the hop-by-hop RPF selection. The IP 249 address of the node corresponding to the Node SID can be used as the 250 segmented root node, and the IP addresses of the interfaces at both 251 endpoints of the link corresponding to the Adjacency SID can be used 252 directly as the local upstream interface and upstream neighbor. 253 254 For the PIM protocol, the PIM RPF Vector attribute was defined in 255 [RFC5496], which can carry the node IP address corresponding to the 256 Node SID. The explicit RPF Vector was defined in [RFC7891], which 257 can carry the peer IP address corresponding to the Adjacency SID. 258 259 This document can use the above two RPF Vector standards and does 260 not need to extend the PIM protocol, to establish the standby 261 multicast tree according to the Segment List calculated by TI-LFA, 262 and can achieve full coverage of various networking environments for 263 MoFRR protection of multicast services. 264 265 Assume that the Segment List calculated by TI-LFA is (NodeSID(A), 266 AdjSID(A-B)). Node A belongs to the P Space, and node B belongs to 267 the Q space. The IP address corresponding to NodeSID(A) can be 268 looked up in the local link state database of the IGP protocol, and 269 can be assumed to be IP-a. The IP addresses of the two endpoints of 270 the link corresponding to AdjSID(A-B) can also be looked up in the 271 local link state database of the IGP protocol, and can be assumed to 272 be IP-La and IP-Lb. 273 274 In the procedure of PIM, IP-a can be regarded as the normal RPF 275 Vector Attribute and added to the PIM join packet. IP-La can be 276 regarded as the local address of the incoming interface, and IP-Lb 277 can be regarded as the address of the upstream neighbor. So IP-Lb 278 can be added to the PIM join packet as the explicit RPF Vector 279 Attribute. 280 281 The PIM protocol firstly can select the RPF incoming interface and 282 upstream towards IP-a, and can join hop-by-hop to establish the PIM 283 standby multicast tree until the node A. On the node A, IP-Lb can be 284 regarded as the PIM upstream neighbor. The node A can find the 285 incoming interface in the unicast routing table according to the IP- 286 Lb, and IP-Lb is used as the RPF upstream address of the PIM join 287 packet to the node B. 288 289 After the PIM join packet is received on the node B, the PIM 290 protocol can find no more RPF Vector Attributes and select the RPF 291 incoming interface and upstream towards the multicast source 292 directly, and then can continue to join hop-by-hop to establish the 293 PIM standby multicast tree until the router directly connected the 294 source. [minor] proposed rewrite: " A secondary Upstream Multicast Hop (UMH) serves as a candidate next-hop that can be used to reach the root of the multicast tree. In this document, the secondary UMH is derived from unicast routing, utilizing the Segment List computed by TI-LFA. In essence, the path information from the Segment List is incorporated into the PIM packets to guide hop-by-hop Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) selection. The IP address corresponding to the Node SID can be used as the segmented root node, while the IP addresses of the interfaces at both endpoints of the link associated with the Adjacency SID can be directly used as the local upstream interface and upstream neighbor. For the PIM protocol, [RFC5496] defines the PIM RPF Vector attribute, which can carry the node IP address corresponding to the Node SID. Additionally, [RFC7891] defines the explicit RPF Vector, which can carry the peer IP address corresponding to the Adjacency SID. This document leverages the existing RPF Vector standards, obviating the need for PIM protocol extensions. This approach allows the establishment of a standby multicast tree based on the Segment List calculated by TI-LFA, thereby providing comprehensive MoFRR protection for multicast services across diverse network environments. Consider a Segment List calculated by TI-LFA as (NodeSID(A), AdjSID(A-B)). Node A belongs to the P space, and node B belongs to the Q space. The IP address corresponding to NodeSID(A) can be retrieved from the local link-state database of the IGP protocol and assumed to be IP-a. Similarly, the IP addresses of the two endpoints of the link corresponding to AdjSID(A-B) can also be retrieved from the local link-state database and assumed to be IP-La and IP-Lb. Within the PIM process, IP-a is treated as the standard RPF Vector Attribute and added to the PIM Join packet. IP-La is considered the local address of the incoming interface, and IP-Lb is regarded as the address of the upstream neighbor. Consequently, IP-Lb can be included in the PIM Join packet as the explicit RPF Vector Attribute. The PIM protocol initially selects the RPF incoming interface and upstream neighbor towards IP-a and proceeds hop-by-hop to establish the PIM standby multicast tree until reaching node A. At node A, IP-Lb is treated as the PIM upstream neighbor. Node A identifies the incoming interface in the unicast routing table based on IP-Lb, and IP-Lb is used as the RPF upstream address for the PIM Join packet directed towards node B. Upon receiving the PIM Join packet at node B, the PIM protocol, finding no additional RPF Vector Attributes, selects the RPF incoming interface and upstream neighbor towards the multicast source directly. The protocol then continues hop-by-hop to establish the PIM standby multicast tree, extending to the router directly connected to the source. " 296 4. Illustration 297 298 This section provides an illustration of MoFRR based on TI-LFA. The 299 example topology is shown in Figure 2. The metric of R3-R4 link is 300 100, and the metrics of other links are 10. All the link metrics are 301 bidirectional. 302 303 <-----Priamry Path--- (S,G) Join 304 305 [S]---(R1)---(R2)******(R6)-------[R] 306 | | 307 <--- | | | 308 | | | | 309 | | (R5) | 310 | | | | 311 | | | | 312 | | | | 313 | (R3)------(R4) | 314 | | 315 --Secondary Path-- 316 317 Figure 2: Example Topology 318 319 The IP addresses and SIDs, which may be involved in the MoFRR 320 calculation, are configured as following: 321 322 IPv4 Data Plane (MPLS-SR) 323 324 Node IP Address Node SID 325 R4 IP4-R4 Label-R4 326 327 Link IP Address Adjacency SID 328 R3->R4 IP4-R3-R4 Label-R3-R4 329 R4->R3 IP4-R4-R3 Label-R4-R3 330 331 IPv6 Data Plane (SRv6) 332 333 Node IP Address Node SID (End) 334 R4 IP6-R4 SID-R4 335 336 Link IP Address Adjacency SID (End.X) 337 R3->R4 IP6-R3-R4 SID-R3-R4 338 R4->R3 IP6-R4-R3 SID-R4-R3 339 340 The primary path of the PIM join packet is R6->R2->R1, and the 341 secondary path is R6->R5->R4->R3->R2->R1. However, the traditional 342 LFA does not work properly for the secondary path, because the 343 shortest path to R2 from R5 (or from R4) still goes through R6-R2 344 link. In this case, R6 needs to calculate the secondary UMH using 345 the proposed MoFRR method based on TI-LFA. 346 347 According to the TI-LFA algorithm, P-Space and Q-Space are shown in 348 Figure 3. The TI-LFA repair path consists of the Node SID of R4 and 349 the Adjacency SID of R4->R3. On MPLS-SR data plane, the repair 350 segment list is (Label-R4, Label-R4-R3). On SRv6 data plane, the 351 repair segment list is (SID-R4, SID-R4-R3). 352 353 ........ 354 . . 355 [S]---(R1)---(R2)******(R6)---[R] 356 . | . | 357 . | . +++|++++ 358 . | . + | + 359 . | . + (R5) + 360 . | . + | + 361 . | . + | + 362 . | . + | + 363 . (R3)------(R4) + 364 . . + + 365 ........ ++++++++ 366 Q-Space P-Space 367 368 Figure 3: P-Space and Q-Space 369 370 In the procedure of PIM, the IP addresses associated with the repair 371 segment list are looked up in the IGP link state database. 372 373 On IPv4 data plane, the Node SID Label-R4 corresponds to IP4-R4, 374 which will be carried in the RPF Vector Attribute. The Adjacency SID 375 Label-R4-R3 corresponds to local address IP4-R4-R3 and remote peer 376 address IP4-R3-R4, and IP4-R3-R4 will be carried in the Explicit RPF 377 Vector Attribute. 378 379 On IPv6 data plane, the End SID SID-R4 corresponds to IP6-R4, which 380 will be carried in the RPF Vector Attribute. The End.X SID SID-R4-R3 381 corresponds to local address IP6-R4-R3 and remote peer address IP6- 382 R3-R4, and IP6-R3-R4 will be carried in the Explicit RPF Vector 383 Attribute. 384 385 Then, R6 installs the secondary UMH with these RPF Vectors. 386 387 +---------+ 388 |Type = 0 | 389 |IP4-R4 | 390 +---------+ +---------+ 391 |Type = 4 | |Type = 4 | 392 |IP4-R3-R4| |IP4-R3-R4| 393 +---------+ +---------+ No RPF Vector 394 395 R6----->R5---->R4------------>R3----->R2---->R1 396 397 Figure 4: Forwarding PIM Join Packet along Secondary Path (IPv4) 398 399 On IPv4 data plane, the forwarding of PIM join packet along the 400 secondary path is shown in Figure 4. 401 402 R6 inserts two RPF Vector Attributes in the PIM join packet, which 403 are IP4-R4 of Type 0 (RPF Vector Attribute) and IP4-R3-R4 of Type 4 404 (Explicit RPF Vector Attribute). Then R6 forwards the packet along 405 the secondary path. 406 407 When R5 receives the packet, R5 performs a unicast route lookup of 408 the first RPF Vector IP4-R4 and sends the packet to R4. 409 410 R4 is the owner of IP4-R4, so it removes the first RPF Vector from 411 the packet and forwards according to the following RPF Vector. R4 412 sends the packet to R3 according to the next RPF Vector IP4-R3-R4, 413 since its PIM neighbor R3 corresponds to IP4-R3-R4. 414 415 When R3 receives the packet, as the owner of IP4-R3-R4, it removes 416 the RPF Vector. Then the packet has no RPF Vector, and will be 417 forwarded to the source through R3->R2->R1 according to unicast 418 routes. 419 420 After the PIM join packet reaches R1, a secondary multicast tree, 421 R1->R2->R3->R4->R5->R6, is established hop-by-hop for (S, G) by 422 MoFRR based on TI-LFA. 423 424 +---------+ 425 |Type = 0 | 426 |IP6-R4 | 427 +---------+ +---------+ 428 |Type = 4 | |Type = 4 | 429 |IP6-R3-R4| |IP6-R3-R4| 430 +---------+ +---------+ No RPF Vector 431 432 R6----->R5---->R4------------>R3----->R2---->R1 433 434 Figure 5: Forwarding PIM Join Packet along Secondary Path (IPv6) 435 436 On IPv6 data plane, the forwarding of PIM join packet along the 437 secondary path is shown in Figure 5. The procedure is similar with 438 IPv4 data plane. [minor] proposed rewrite: " This section provides an illustration of MoFRR based on TI-LFA. The example topology is depicted in Figure 2. The metric for the R3-R4 link is 100, while the metrics for the other links are 10. All link metrics are bidirectional. <-----Primary Path--- (S,G) Join [S]---(R1)---(R2)******(R6)-------[R] | | <--- | | | | | | | | | (R5) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (R3)------(R4) | | | --Secondary Path-- Figure 2: Example Topology The IP addresses and Segment Identifiers (SIDs) involved in the MoFRR calculation are configured as follows: IPv4 Data Plane (MPLS-SR) Node IP Address Node SID R4 IP4-R4 Label-R4 Link IP Address Adjacency SID R3->R4 IP4-R3-R4 Label-R3-R4 R4->R3 IP4-R4-R3 Label-R4-R3 IPv6 Data Plane (SRv6) Node IP Address Node SID (End) R4 IP6-R4 SID-R4 Link IP Address Adjacency SID (End.X) R3->R4 IP6-R3-R4 SID-R3-R4 R4->R3 IP6-R4-R3 SID-R4-R3 The primary path of the PIM Join packet is R6->R2->R1, and the secondary path is R6->R5->R4->R3->R2->R1. However, the traditional LFA does not function properly for the secondary path because the shortest path to R2 from R5 (or from R4) still traverses the R6-R2 link. In this scenario, R6 must calculate the secondary UMH using the proposed MoFRR method based on TI-LFA. According to the TI-LFA algorithm, the P-space and Q-space are illustrated in Figure 3. The TI-LFA repair path consists of the Node SID of R4 and the Adjacency SID of R4->R3. On the MPLS-SR data plane, the repair segment list is (Label-R4, Label-R4-R3). On the SRv6 data plane, the repair segment list is (SID-R4, SID-R4-R3). ........ . . [S]---(R1)---(R2)******(R6)---[R] . | . | . | . +++|++++ . | . + | + . | . + (R5) + . | . + | + . | . + | + . | . + | + . (R3)------(R4) + . . + + ........ ++++++++ Q-Space P-Space Figure 3: P-Space and Q-Space In the PIM process, the IP addresses associated with the repair segment list are retrieved from the IGP link-state database. On the IPv4 data plane, the Node SID Label-R4 corresponds to IP4-R4, which will be carried in the RPF Vector Attribute. The Adjacency SID Label-R4-R3 corresponds to the local address IP4-R4-R3 and the remote peer address IP4-R3-R4, with IP4-R3-R4 carried in the Explicit RPF Vector Attribute. On the IPv6 data plane, the End SID SID-R4 corresponds to IP6-R4, which will be carried in the RPF Vector Attribute. The End.X SID SID-R4-R3 corresponds to the local address IP6-R4-R3 and the remote peer address IP6-R3-R4, with IP6-R3-R4 carried in the Explicit RPF Vector Attribute. Subsequently, R6 installs the secondary UMH using these RPF Vectors. +---------+ |Type = 0 | |IP4-R4 | +---------+ +---------+ |Type = 4 | |Type = 4 | |IP4-R3-R4| |IP4-R3-R4| +---------+ +---------+ No RPF Vector R6----->R5---->R4------------>R3----->R2---->R1 Figure 4: Forwarding PIM Join Packet along Secondary Path (IPv4) On the IPv4 data plane, the forwarding of the PIM Join packet along the secondary path is shown in Figure 4. R6 inserts two RPF Vector Attributes in the PIM Join packet: IP4-R4 of Type 0 (RPF Vector Attribute) and IP4-R3-R4 of Type 4 (Explicit RPF Vector Attribute). R6 then forwards the packet along the secondary path. When R5 receives the packet, it performs a unicast route lookup of the first RPF Vector IP4-R4 and sends the packet to R4. R4, being the owner of IP4-R4, removes the first RPF Vector from the packet and forwards it according to the next RPF Vector. R4 sends the packet to R3 based on the next RPF Vector IP4-R3-R4, as its PIM neighbor R3 corresponds to IP4-R3-R4. When R3 receives the packet, as the owner of IP4-R3-R4, it removes the RPF Vector. The packet, now devoid of RPF Vectors, is forwarded to the source through R3->R2->R1 based on unicast routes. After the PIM Join packet reaches R1, a secondary multicast tree, R1->R2->R3->R4->R5->R6, is established hop-by-hop for (S, G) using MoFRR based on TI-LFA. +---------+ |Type = 0 | |IP6-R4 | +---------+ +---------+ |Type = 4 | |Type = 4 | |IP6-R3-R4| |IP6-R3-R4| +---------+ +---------+ No RPF Vector R6----->R5---->R4------------>R3----->R2---->R1 Figure 5: Forwarding PIM Join Packet along Secondary Path (IPv6) On the IPv6 data plane, the forwarding of the PIM Join packet along the secondary path is illustrated in Figure 5. The procedure is analogous to that of the IPv4 data plane. 444 6. Security Considerations 445 446 This document does not change the security properties of PIM. For 447 general PIM-SM protocol Security Considerations, see [RFC7761]. [major] When deploying TILFA the packet may be sent over nodes and links it was not transported before, opening security issues. for example have a look at following LFA security considerations. Maybe some of these influence and have relevance when applied to MoFRR: 1. Spoofing and False Route Advertisements * LFA/R-LFA/TI-LFA Dependencies on Routing Information: - LFAs depend on accurate routing information to determine alternate paths. If an attacker can inject false routing information (e.g., by spoofing link-state advertisements), it could cause the network to select suboptimal or malicious paths for LFAs. - R-LFA and TI-LFA also depend on accurate routing information, particularly for determining the tunneling paths or explicit paths. False route advertisements could mislead the network into using insecure or compromised paths. 2. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks * Use of Alternate Paths: - By rerouting traffic through alternate paths, especially those that traverse multiple hops (as in R-LFA and TI-LFA), the risk of MitM attacks increases if any of the intermediate routers on the alternate path are compromised. - TI-LFA, which uses explicit paths, might expose traffic to routers that were not originally in the primary path, potentially allowing for interception or alteration of the traffic. 3. Confidentiality and Integrity * Traffic Encapsulation: - R-LFA and TI-LFA involve encapsulating traffic, which may expose it to vulnerabilities if the encapsulation mechanisms are not secure. For instance, if IPsec or another secure encapsulation method is not used, an attacker might be able to intercept or alter the traffic in transit. * Protection of Explicit Paths: - TI-LFA relies on explicit paths that are typically defined using segment routing. If these paths are not properly protected, an attacker could manipulate the segment list to reroute traffic through malicious nodes. 4. Increased Attack Surface * Extended Topology: - By introducing LFAs, R-LFAs, and TI-LFAs, the network increases its reliance on additional routers and links, thereby expanding the potential attack surface. Compromise of any router in these alternate paths could expose traffic to unauthorized access or disruption. 5. Complexity and Configuration Errors * Misconfigurations: - The complexity of configuring LFAs, R-LFAs, and TI-LFAs increases the risk of misconfigurations, which could inadvertently create security vulnerabilities, such as routing loops or the selection of insecure paths. * Overhead and Resource Exhaustion: - The additional overhead introduced by encapsulation in R-LFA and the use of segment routing in TI-LFA can be exploited by attackers to exhaust network resources, such as CPU and memory, on routers. 6. Trust Model * Trust in Routing Infrastructure: - The security of LFA, R-LFA, and TI-LFA mechanisms relies heavily on the trustworthiness of the underlying routing infrastructure. If the control plane is compromised (e.g., through route poisoning), the alternate paths selected by these mechanisms could lead to traffic being routed through untrusted or compromised parts of the network. 7. Securing the Routing Protocols * Use of Secure Routing Protocols: - To mitigate the risks associated with false route advertisements and MitM attacks, it is recommended to use secure routing protocols (e.g., OSPFv3 with IPsec, or ISIS HMAC-SHA256 ) that provide authentication and integrity protection for routing updates. 8. Monitoring and Detection * Anomaly Detection: - Implementing monitoring and anomaly detection mechanisms can help identify when traffic is being rerouted in unexpected ways, which could indicate a security issue with LFA, R-LFA, or TI-LFA mechanisms. "
- [pim] [Shepherding AD review] Pre-IETF Last-Call … Gunter van de Velde (Nokia)