[pim] Volunteers needed for work on progressing IGMP/MLD on the standards track

Stig Venaas <stig@venaas.com> Tue, 20 November 2018 20:58 UTC

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Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 12:58:29 -0800
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Subject: [pim] Volunteers needed for work on progressing IGMP/MLD on the standards track
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Currently IGMPv3 and MLDv2 are Proposed Standard, and we have good
support in the working group for progressing them to Internet
Standard. This is similar to the work that was done for PIM-SM (RFC
4601) a few years back. In order to do this, we should try to
determine if there are parts of RFC 3376 and RFC 3810 that have not
been widely implemented, and also if people have found any
interoperability issues. For PIM-SM we had a team of volunteers that
created separate surveys for vendors and operators. These surveys were
then distributed as widely as possible, and we had someone receive the
reports by email and anonymizing them. The volunteer team then wrote
RFC 7063 based on their findings. The team also then worked on
revising RFC 4601, using these findings as input, and published PIM-SM
as Internet Standard (RFC 7761). Please see RFC 7063 for more details
on the methodology, and also the exact surveys that were created.

In order to progress IGMP/MLD I think we should follow the same
procedure, but there could be other options. If you believe we should
do it differently, please respond to this thread.

We need a team of volunteers that can lead this work. It would be best
if we have a wide representation from vendors plus people from
operators or others that have deployment experience. If we agree on
following the same procedure, the first step would be to create the
surveys. It would be best that a draft gets published with the
proposed surveys, and we can then discuss the proposal in the working
group, and have the draft revised accordingly. Once the working group
is happy with the proposed surveys we can then conduct the survey. I'm
also hoping that the same volunteer team can afterwards work on
revising the RFCs.

If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know. Also, any
comments on the process would be welcome.
