[pim] Re: pim wglc for draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa-03

Gyan Mishra <hayabusagsm@gmail.com> Fri, 10 May 2024 03:14 UTC

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From: Gyan Mishra <hayabusagsm@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 09 May 2024 23:14:40 -0400
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Subject: [pim] Re: pim wglc for draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa-03
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I support  publication.

I have a few questions about the draft.

MoFRR is typically used for mLDP FRR on backup path protection.

TI-LFA is relevant for SR based networks for Local LFA and RLFA protection
for unicast flows and in this draft  we are showing that for PIM network
that TI-LFA Multicast FRR being relevant.

SR based networks would be stateless and not have PIM enabled and would use
SR P2MP policy with Tree SID.

Would this draft be relevant for SR P2MP Policy with Tree SID?

AFAIK since TI-LFA mechanism is being used for both unicast and multicast
FRR protection for SR P2MP Policy head end node with intermediate P nodes
using Mo-TILFA, I would think we can drop the MoFRR and call it multicast

AFAIK since we are talking PIM network in the draft and not PIM free core,
are we  referring to scenario with RFC 6037 MDT SAFI for MVPN RFC 6514 PTA
3-SSM, 4-SM, 5-BIDIR.

It’s possible we can have mLDP enabled or even SR in parallel overlays
which is typical operator scenario that SR is used for unicast and in cases
where operator does not choose to use SR P2MP Policy due to scale issue and
wants to keep mLDP for multicast and uses MoFRR for backup path failover
and utilizes RFC 7473 SAC selective mLDP label advertisement for multicast
labels only so that LDP labels are not advertised for unicast.  In this
scenario MoFRR is used with mLDP which is the problem statement.  But this
would be for pim free core and in the use case described is a RFC 6037 pim
core. In this scenario multicast would be over mLDP and not SR network.  So
here MoFRR-TILFA would not apply.



On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 2:16 PM Stig Venaas <stig@venaas.com> wrote:

> Dear wg
> Today begins a two week wglc for
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-pim-mofrr-tilfa/
> In Brisbane we had 5 saying it was ready, and none against.
> Please respond with any comments you may have on the draft, whether
> you think it's ready or not, and any review comments you may have by
> May 8th.
> Regards,
> Stig
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