[pkix] Updated elliptic curve drafts
Simon Josefsson <simon@josefsson.org> Mon, 12 October 2015 20:25 UTC
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Subject: [pkix] Updated elliptic curve drafts
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Hi, I've updated my drafts on Curve25519/Curve448 support in PKIX to refer to the CFRG-Curves and CFRG-EdDSA drafts. The following document adds new EdDSA key/signature OIDs directly: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-josefsson-pkix-eddsa-04 The following document adds new namedCurve OIDs, thus going indirectly through the existing ECDSA 3279 route: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-josefsson-pkix-newcurves-01 These two drafts take different approaches to including the new curves into PKIX, and currently both lack applicability statements. There is potential for overlap and conflict right now. It recently came up that for PKCS#11 a namedCurve approach would be useful, but for normal PKIX Certificates, it may be that the first direct approach is preferrable. The former lack the possibility of encoding keys for DH. I believe each approach can be useful on its own, but we need to include text adressing use-cases that can be resolved by both documents to avoid conflicts. /Simon
- [pkix] Updated elliptic curve drafts Simon Josefsson
- Re: [pkix] Updated elliptic curve drafts Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [pkix] Updated elliptic curve drafts Simon Josefsson
- Re: [pkix] Updated elliptic curve drafts Stephen Kent
- Re: [pkix] Updated elliptic curve drafts Phillip Hallam-Baker