Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extension syntax

Rob Stradling <> Mon, 30 March 2015 08:17 UTC

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On 27/03/15 17:44, Massimiliano Pala wrote:
> Hi Rob, all,

Hi Max.

> coming to your question: the extension /*will not break compatibility as
> long as it is not marked critical*/.


> However, there might be some
> aspects you want to think a bit more deeply about before taking a decision.
> This said, I think that the text written in section 3.4.2 is wrong and
> needs to be replaced.
> In particular, the argument about the encoding is weird - from the I-D:

I think it's only "wrong" and "weird" if you take the view that "if it 
could conceivably be constructed in ASN.1, then it MUST be constructed 
in ASN.1".  I don't take that view.

>         One or more SCTs can be embedded in an X.509v3 extension that is
>         included in a certificate or an OCSP response.  Since RFC5280
>         requires the "extnValue" field (an OCTET STRING) of each X.509v3
>         extension to include the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value, we cannot
>         embed a "SignedCertificateTimestampList" directly.  Instead, we have
>         to wrap it inside an additional OCTET STRING (see below), which we
>         then put into the "extnValue" field.
> In my opinion, this text should be removed (trying to justify the use of
> a data type in the encoding because you do not want to define the
> required structure in ASN.1 does not really look.. good in an I-D, I am
> surprised it is even there).

This text was added because some folks found the description in RFC6962 
to be unclear.


> However, more considerations are required here. If you want the
> extension to have a non-ASN.1 structure it is fine,


> but that will have
> implication over the (format) compliance of data in the certificate.
> This was marginally mentioned in previous posts, but it seems it
> requires a more explicit explanation since it was not well understood.
> In particular, from a parsing perspective, when using the proposed
> encoding, the client will not perform any validation over the contents
> of the extension since this is just a blob. Usually this type of
> encoding is used for binary contents that have no internal structure
> (e.g., a value of a key or a digest), but it is usually avoided for
> complex types (again, to provide format validation of the contents).
> The real question here is: are you willing to live with not validating
> the format of the content of the extension when the extension is
> actually parsed?

Yes (for applications that don't recognize the extension).

Applications that do recognize the extension will validate the 
(non-ASN.1) format and verify the SCT's signature.

> Are you considering the possible attack vectors that
> can derive from that (i.e. allowing custom contents in the extension)?

Such as?

> I hope you already discussed these aspects before proposing the extension.
> If not, my suggestion is to go back to the drawing board and seriously
> considering these aspects. If you go ahead with the current choice, I
> would suggest to remove the 3.4.2 text and add some considerations about
> it in the security considerations section (although, in that case I
> would STRONGLY suggest to revisit your choice).
> This is usually a good rule of thumb when it comes to adding extensions.
> Another operational consideration that was pointed out is about
> debugging the bits on the wire. If you use ASN.1 structures, standard
> network tools can parse the extension properly - however, again, this
> will not be the case for OCTET STRING blobs. Thus, debugging of the
> extension (in case of issues) can only happen at the end points (where
> the extension parser is available), not on the wire.

Because the feature set of "standard network tools" is fixed forever?

> I hope this helps clarifying the issues with the current proposal.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Cheers,
> Max
> On 3/25/15 9:44 AM, Rob Stradling wrote:
>> On 25/03/15 14:20, Sean Leonard wrote:
>>> On Mar 18, 2015, at 2:10 AM, Peter Gutmann
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Melinda Shore <> writes:
>>>>> it's what's in the document until someone can either point to some
>>>>> normative
>>>>> specification that it violates or can point to something that
>>>>> actually would
>>>>> break.
>>>> This isn't a case of standards rules-lawyering though (in any case
>>>> the PKIX
>>>> spec is flexible enough that you can stuff anything you want into a
>>>> certificate if you interpret things just right, see the famous
>>>> MPEG-of-cat
>>>> quote), it's that this is creating a situation where an *X.509
>>>> standards-
>>>> compliant certificate* contains data that can't be processed by an
>>>> *X.509
>>>> standards-compliant certificate application*.
>>> I agree with Peter. Keep the encoding as ASN.1 for this extension. It
>>> is not particularly onerous, and it preserves compatibility for other
>>> applications.
>> How exactly might the certificate extension we're talking about [1]
>> break compatibility with other applications?
>> The Subject Key Identifier extension uses the exact same ASN.1 syntax
>> (the content of the extension is a plain OCTET STRING). RFC5280 does
>> not require applications to recognize this extension.
>> I'm not aware of any applications that choke on the Subject Key
>> Identifier extension, so why should we expect any to choke on the
>> 6962-bis extension?
>> [1]
>>   Sections 3.4.2 and
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