[pkix] RFC 6960 section question
Antanas Živatkauskas <Antanas.Zivatkauskas@gyvreg.lt> Fri, 13 February 2015 12:36 UTC
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From: Antanas Živatkauskas <Antanas.Zivatkauskas@gyvreg.lt>
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Need help in interpreting the following statement in RFC 6960 section Authorized Responders: “Systems relying on OCSP responses MUST recognize a delegation certificate as being issued by the CA that issued the certificate in question only if the delegation certificate and the certificate being checked for revocation were signed by the same key.” It is not really clear if it is a must for systems relying on OCSP responses in all cases accept a delegation certificate as long as CA uses “the same issuing key to issue a delegation certificate as that used to sign the certificate being checked for revocation”, so that the alternative option of providing “a means of locally configuring one or more OCSP signing authorities and specifying the set of CAs for which each signing authority is trusted” is irrelevant. Is the word RECOGNIZE in the excerpt above interchangable with the word ACCEPT? If not, what is the meaning of RECOGNIZE, respectively the purpose of such recognition? -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
- [pkix] RFC 6960 section question Antanas Živatkauskas
- Re: [pkix] RFC 6960 section question Santosh Chokhani
- Re: [pkix] RFC 6960 section question David A. Cooper
- Re: [pkix] RFC 6960 section question Antanas Živatkauskas
- Re: [pkix] RFC 6960 section question Santosh Chokhani