Re: Transition

Einar Stefferud <> Tue, 10 November 1992 00:33 UTC

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To: Stephen D Crocker <>
cc: poised@CNRI.Reston.VA.US, Vint Cerf <cerf@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
Subject: Re: Transition
In-reply-to: Your message of Mon, 09 Nov 1992 09:54:47 -0500. <9211091454.AA21942@TIS.COM>
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From: Einar Stefferud <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1992 15:10:37 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi Steve -- What you say is precisely the problem.

Actually I am on your side in that I want this issue resolved as soon
as possible, without having it come up late and thus delay the process
of adoption.  It has to be cleanly resolved.

If there is no problem (as we are assured without explanation), then
there should be no problem with the ISOC Trustees appearing before the
IETF Plenary.

Or, if there is a problem, then there is a problem, and we better find
out about it, and soon.

Following your logic, if we agree to adopt your mostly acceptable
draft, we also agree, by indirect implication and not by direct and
obvious choice, to be governed by the ISOC.

I want the IETF plenary meeting to fully open the question of ISOC
governance to public debate.

This is precisely what a number of us have been concerned about with
the entire thread related to the phrase "consent of the governed"

In this light, I think that a set of ISOC Board Members should attend
the IETF Plenary and make the case for the ISOC to become the IETF
Governing Body ( whatever name the IETF may take).  The ISOC Trustees
should address the Plenary, and should stand before the plenary for
questioning and critical comment.

If this cannot be arranged, then I think it would be fair to interpret
the absence of such presentations, questioning, and comment in
whatever way the individual attendees might decide.  I don't believe
it will be adequate for a non-Trustee to attempt to speak for the

The phrase "Stand and Deliver" comes to mind...\Stef

PS for Vint:

   We know about the way the ISOC is planing to do non-IETF stuff, and
   no one has any objection to all that.  That is not the question!

   The question is, what about how the ISOC views governance of the
   IETF (by whatever name and in whatever form).

   Answers provided so far range from "Hands Off!" to simple silence.
   Hands off does not correlate with the notion that the ISOC provides
   international recognition of certain responsbilities.  

   Rsponsibilty without requisite Authority is a very bad idea.