Comments from David Brandin
"Vinton G. Cerf" <vcerf@CNRI.Reston.VA.US> Tue, 01 December 1992 05:36 UTC
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To: poised@CNRI.Reston.VA.US
Subject: Comments from David Brandin
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1992 00:35:48 -0500
Sender: ietf-archive-request@IETF.CNRI.Reston.VA.US
From: "Vinton G. Cerf" <vcerf@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
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------- Forwarded Message Date: 25 Nov 1992 11:26:28 -0800 From: David Brandin <> Subject: Q To: "Vinton G. Cerf" <vcerf@CNRI.Reston.VA.US> Reply to: Q MY ACM Political hat follows, set off by ASTERISKS . . . IN GENERAL, I FIND IT PRETTY WANTING. IT IS TRYING TO LEGISLATE AN EXTREMELY POLITICAL PROCESS WITHOUT ANY ATTENTION TO DETAIL OR RIGHTS AND PLACES STAFF IN DANGEROUS POSITIONS. IT STRIKES ME THAT THESE BYLAWS HAVEN'T RECEIVED MUCH ATTENTION. Dave Brandin - -------------------------------------- Date: 11/25/92 3:29 To: David Brandin From: Vinton G. Cerf There is a typo (SECTION should be SELECTION) and some details still need to be worked. Your comments would be much appreciated (in advance of the Trustees' meeting December 10). This is a compromise among many parties, some of whom expressed the feeling that the IETF participants were largely disenfranchised in the selection of their leadership. As you can see, ISOC is much involved in the process. Vint - ------- Forwarded Message Date: Tue, 24 Nov 92 18:18:18 EST From: Carl Malamud <> Message-Id: <> To: poised@CNRI.Reston.VA.US Subject: Selection Process At the IETF plenary last Thursday evening, Marshall Rose presented a plan to introduce accountability and selection into the IAB/IESG management structure. Below is the mechanism he proposed. Although Marshall was the presenter of this material, he is not the author. About a half-dozen people contributed directly to this proposal, and their contributions were based on discussions on the poised list and in the poised meeting earlier in the week. There was wide-spread consensus on the overall principles of the plan. This message fills in the details and translates the bullets on the slides into English. Lyman presented the other half of the proposal and will be posting that information for your information. Carl P R O P O S A L F O R A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y A N D S E C T I O N 1. TWO-YEAR TERMS Members of the IAB and IESG will serve two-year terms. The terms are staggered so approximately half of each body is selected each year. There are no term limits.***THERE SHOULD ALWAYS BE TERM LIMITS OR YOU GET ENTRENCHED AFIPS-LIKE LEADERSHIP. I RECOMMEND 3 TERMS.*** 2. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Selection shall be by a nominating committee. The nominating committee is formed for a particular round of selections and then disbands. This is not a standing committee. ***THERE SHOULD BE SOME CONTINUITY SO THAT EACH COMMITTEE HAS SOME UNDERSTANDING OF THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST. 2.1 The nomination committee is composed of seven members selected by lot from a list of volunteers who are willing to serve and have attended two or more IETFs. [Details on this procedure to follow.] 2.2 The chair of the nominating committee shall be the Executive Director of the Internet Society. The IAB and the IESG may each appoint one non-voting liaison. The chair and the liaisons are non-voting positions. ***NO STAFF PERSON SHOULD CHAIR THIS COMMITTEE. HE WILL BE SUBJECT TO ENDLESS CHARGES OF POLITICAL SKULDAGGERY! 2.3 The nominating committee is responsible for recruiting nominees who are willing and able to serve. 2.4 The nominating committee may recommend a single name for a position, or, if unable to reach consensus on a single name, multiple names. ***THERE SHOULD ALWAYS BE AT LEAST 2 CANDIDATES FOR EVERY JOB. WHO NEEDS A NOMINATING COMMITTEE TO MAKE DICTATORIAL DEFAULT DECISIONS ESPECIALLY IF IT'S CHAIRED BY STAFF? OTHERWISE CALL IT AN APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE. 2.5 Selection of names shall be for a specific slot (e.g., "IAB Member" or "the Network Management Area Director of the IESG"). For purposes of this process, the Chair of the IETF is considered to be a specific slot. The Chair of the IAB, however, is not a specific slot and that position shall be selected by the IAB from among its members. 3. ADVISE AND CONSENT The selections of the nominating committee are subject to advise and consent. 3.1 Positions on the IAB are subject to the advise and consent of the Internet Society trustees. The trustees may select one of the names presented to it or may reject all names. ***PROCESS OF SELECTION IS BY WHAT? SECRET BALLOT? DRAW POKER? 3.2 Positions on the IESG or the Chair of the IETF are subject to the advise and consent of the IAB. The IAB may select one of the names presented to it or may reject all names. ***SAME QUESTION 3.3 Selectees shall give a talk at an IETF plenary soon after their selection.*** HUH? WHY? IS A SELECTEE A CANDIDATE? THEN COMPETING NOMINEES MUST BE GIVEN EQUAL TIME ETC. IF A SELECTEE HAS BEEN SELECTED, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS IN BYLAWS? 4. OMBUDSMAN The Internet Society shall appoint a standing ombudsman to resolve conflicts.***THIS WHOLE SECTION IS A NIGHTMARE. NO OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM CAN WORK WITHOUT MUCH MORE DETAIL ON PROCEDURES. HOW IS OMBUDSMAN "APPOINTED?" 4.1 If a member of the IETF feels that a member of the IESG, the Chair of the IETF, or a member of the IAB is not carrying out his or her duties, the member of the IETF may present the situation to the Ombudsman. ***SHOULD REQUIRE AT LEAST A SECOND! 4.2 The Ombudsman shall attempt to resolve the situation within a 90-day period. ***BETTER GIVE THE OMBUDSMAN RESOURCES AND DEFINE "RESOLVE." 4.3 If the Ombudsman is unable to reach a resolution of the situation, a recall committee shall be formed to consider the case.*** IS OMBUDSMAN DECISION BINDING? THEN OMBUDSMAN MUST BE APPOINTED WITH ADVICE AND CONSENT ETC AND, IN FACT, MORE THAN MAJORITY SINCE HE MIGHT HAVE GREATER THAN MAJORITY RIGHTS IN RECALL 4.4 The recall committee is formed by lot from a list of volunteers who are willing to serve and have attended 2 or more IETFs. ***THESE BECOME EXTREMELY POWERFUL PEOPLE. THEY SHOULD NOT UNDER ANY CONDITIONS INCLUDE THE PEOPLE THAT MADE THE CHARGES OR SECONDED THEM. THEY MUST ALSO BE SUBJECT TO ADVICE AND CONSENT . . . 4.5 The chair of the committee shall be the Executive Director of the Internet Society. The IAB and the IESG may each appoint a liaison. The chair and the liaisons are non-voting positions. ***AGAIN, KEEP STAFF OUT OF THIS 4.6 The committee shall investigate the situation in a thorough manner and examine all relevant facts. ***HOW ABOUT SOME GUARANTEED RIGHTS FOR THE ACCUSED? 4.7 If the committee decides by a vote of 2/3 or more, a recall has been decided upon. ***THEN WHAT HAPPENS TO VACANCY? 4.8 The committee shall disband when it is finished deciding the specific situation it was formed to examine. (This is not a standing committee.) 5. TRANSITION This procedure will begin January 1 with selections to be in place by the 26th IETF. 5.1 The call for volunteers and selection of the nominating committee shall be done before December 31. 5.2 The IESG will designate which positions shall be available for selection. These positions will include the Chair of the IETF. 5.3 The IAB will designate which positions shall be available for selection. These positions will include the slot currently filled by the Chair of the IAB. 5.4 The nominating committee will finish its work so that selections can be announced on March 1, 1993. 5.5 The new selectees will take office at the close of the 26th IETF. - ------- End of Forwarded Message ------- End of Forwarded Message
- Comments from David Brandin Vinton G. Cerf
- Re: Comments from David Brandin Frank Kastenholz