[ppsp] Reivew of the base tracker protocol

"yunfei" <hishigh@sina.com> Fri, 24 October 2014 02:14 UTC

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   (Speaking individually) I have reviewed the latest three versions of the base tracker protocol and have the following comments. Wish it helpful for today's online discussion.
General: I do like the idea in the latest two versions that the new section (section 3 and the corresponding update in section 4) has been added to address to accomodate different encodings in unified data type.
1) Section 4.1:
typedef struct {  
                     CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT    address;  
                     // string, addr_in4,  
                     // addr_in6, addr_storage  
                     CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT    port;  
                     // string (IANA service port),  
                     // or uint16 (service port) 

Is the definition of the type of address and port missing? I didn't find them before.
2) In the end of section 5.1 and 5.2, there is an IMPLEMENTATION NOTE saying: If no PeerNum attributes are present in the request the tracker MAY return a random sample from the peer population. 
It's suggested to set a DEFAULT value for the return number if no explict request of number.

typedef struct {


// string, addr_in4,

// addr_in6, addr_storage


// string (IANA service port),

// or uint16 (service port)


// string, addr_in4,

// addr_in6, addr_storage


// string (IANA service port),

// or uint16 (service port)


// string, addr_in4,

// addr_in6, addr_storage


// string (IANA service port),

// or uint16 (service port)