Re: [ppsp] Reivew of the base tracker protocol
"Huangyihong (Rachel)" <> Fri, 24 October 2014 03:06 UTC
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From: "Huangyihong (Rachel)" <>
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Hi Yunfei, Please see inline. BR, Rachel From: ppsp [] On Behalf Of yunfei Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 10:14 AM To: draft-ietf-ppsp-base-tracker-pro; ppsp Subject: [ppsp] Reivew of the base tracker protocol Hi, (Speaking individually) I have reviewed the latest three versions of the base tracker protocol and have the following comments. Wish it helpful for today's online discussion. General: I do like the idea in the latest two versions that the new section (section 3 and the corresponding update in section 4) has been added to address to accomodate different encodings in unified data type. Comments: 1) Section 4.1: typedef struct { CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT address; // string, addr_in4, // addr_in6, addr_storage CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT port; // string (IANA service port), // or uint16 (service port) Is the definition of the type of address and port missing? I didn't find them before. [Rachel]: Yes. Comparing to previous xml format, the address type is missing. 2) In the end of section 5.1 and 5.2, there is an IMPLEMENTATION NOTE saying: If no PeerNum attributes are present in the request the tracker MAY return a random sample from the peer population. It's suggested to set a DEFAULT value for the return number if no explict request of number. [Rachel]: Agree. The tracker should set a DEFAULT value. And I think this should also apply in the case of peer_count= 0. BR Yunfei typedef struct { CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT address; // string, addr_in4, // addr_in6, addr_storage CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT port; // string (IANA service port), // or uint16 (service port) CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT address; // string, addr_in4, // addr_in6, addr_storage CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT port; // string (IANA service port), // or uint16 (service port) CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT address; // string, addr_in4, // addr_in6, addr_storage CONCRETE_PROTO_SPEC_DEPENDENT port; // string (IANA service port), // or uint16 (service port)
- [ppsp] Reivew of the base tracker protocol yunfei
- Re: [ppsp] Reivew of the base tracker protocol Huangyihong (Rachel)