[ppsp] review of base tracker protocol

"Roni Even" <ron.even.tlv@gmail.com> Thu, 16 October 2014 15:58 UTC

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I reviewed the document and have some comments and nits. 



1.       Nit: In section 1 "The PPSP architecture requires PPSP peers able
to communicate" should be "The PPSP architecture requires that PPSP peers
are able to communicate"

2.       In section 1.1 "CHUNK ID" is it identifier for SEGMENT CHUNK or for
a CHUNK. Also you need to expand MPD.  I also have a question if the address
scheme is described in the MPD?

3.       In section 1.1 "TRACKER" it says that it also answers PEER LIST
queries. It does not mention the other requests, is this the only one that
it respond to?

4.       In 2.1 3rd paragraph you mention the service Portal, it is not
mentioned in section 1.1 but the connection tracker is.

5.       In section 2.3 delete "over it" at the end of the section.

6.       A general question on transport (relates also for 2.3, 2.3.1,. ),
do you mandate using TLS for security reasons, or is also TCP allowed and
when? In section 7.1 second paragraph says that a channel oriented security
mechanism should (change to SHOULD) be used. Why SHOULD and not MUST in
which cases you can use non secure communication between peers and tracker?

7.       In section 2.3.2 "FIND" - "This Request message is an "action
signal" used by peers to request to the tracker"  change "to request from
the tracker"

8.       In section 4 for  why is PPSP_TP_EXTENDED have the comment before
"//"  typedef enum ppsp_tp_versions {

                   PPSP_TP_BASE       = 0x10, // or "1.0"
                // PPSP_TP_EXTENDED   = 0x11, // or "1.1"
      } ppsp_tp_version_t;
9.       In the ppsp_tp_peer_addr there is an enum for connection, how is it
used, is it for information only in which case why is it in each message?
10.   In section 6.1.3 the security is in 7.1 and not 6.1 
Roni Even