[Privacy-pass] Where we are with BBS and a true rate limiting alternative
Watson Ladd <watsonbladd@gmail.com> Tue, 25 June 2024 22:48 UTC
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From: Watson Ladd <watsonbladd@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 15:48:26 -0700
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Subject: [Privacy-pass] Where we are with BBS and a true rate limiting alternative
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Dear privacy pass, Over the past few months a group of us have been discussing some of the desiderata for privacy pass, and trying to ensure we have a flexible, well-considered cryptographic foundation for deployments. Currently what we have is a number of extensions, but each extension has to be examined anew and they don't compose: if you want both public metadata and rate limiting, it takes a new document to make them work. Instead we can make sure that the single token format supports a bunch of features. Foundationally we use a blind issuing variant of BBS, where the user proves that they have asked for the right fields. Some can be hidden, and others revealed to the issuer, and then a different set shown to origins. In addition it's possible to do zero-knowledge proofs efficiently over equations for the secret values. For rate limiting one of the fields is a secret key x. On showing the user computes Y=(x+k)^{-1}H(origin), and proves with a range proof that k is small and transmits Y to the origin. There are some very short range proofs available. The origin blocks repeated use of Y. This has some big benefits: origins can set the rate limit without cooperation from the issuer. The issuer no longer needs to be split. The origin could also use a nym by having k=0 and using Y as a user identifier. We also have a way to do issuer blindness where the origin learns only that an issuer they trust issued the credential. This resolves a number of the challenges for the web environment of existing solutions. We do need to write this all up, and there's significant modifications to CFRG drafts (or new ones) needed to make it all work, and there are some subtleties that lead to needing particular kinds of ZKP that complicate the efficency story somewhat. However, we're extremely optimistic that these are not showstopers and the time and space consumption is moderate enough to make it practical. Sincerely, Watson -- Astra mortemque praestare gradatim
- [Privacy-pass] Where we are with BBS and a true r… Watson Ladd
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Christopher Patton
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Christopher Wood
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Watson Ladd
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Christopher Wood
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Kosei Akama
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Watson Ladd
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Christopher Wood
- [Privacy-pass] Re: Where we are with BBS and a tr… Kosei Akama