[Privsec-discuss] Public Comment on Proposed Renewal of .biz Registry Agreement and the dangers of the Internet by Rabbi Shalom Arush
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Subject: [Privsec-discuss] Public Comment on Proposed Renewal of .biz Registry Agreement and the dangers of the Internet by Rabbi Shalom Arush
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> May 13th 2019 >> >> ICANN >> 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 >> Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 >> USA >> >> Public comment on the Proposed Renewal of .biz Registry Agreement >> >> Executive Summary >> >> Renewal of the .biz registry agreement with Registry Services, LLC > should be assessed against the background of the Internet >> addiction global problem. According to academic research, Internet >> addiction disorder (IAD) results in personal, family, and >> occupational problems. Internet addiction can be decomposed into >> several subtypes of behavior and impulse control problems, namely, >> Debauchery, cyber-relationship addiction, net compulsions, >> information overload, compulsive web surfing or database searches >> and net gaming. Internet gaming has been classified by the World >> Health Organization (WHO) as a disease in the International >> Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). There is a large correlation >> between addiction to online social networks and generalized >> Internet addiction. The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops >> that Facebook has created are destroying how society works and it >> is eroding the core foundations of how people behave by and between >> each other. Smartphones and the social media platforms they support >> are turning us into bona fide addicts. Platforms like Facebook, >> Snapchat, and Instagram leverage the very same neural circuitry >> used by slot machines and cocaine to keep us using their products >> as much as possible. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) ruins lives >> by causing neurological complications, psychological disturbances, >> and social problems. Smartphone or Internet addiction can also >> negatively impact your life by increasing loneliness and >> depression, fueling anxiety, increasing stress, exacerbating >> attention deficit disorders, diminishing your ability to >> concentrate and think deeply or creatively, disturbing your sleep >> and encouraging self-absorption. The psychopathological overlap >> between IA, substance addiction and pathological gambling suggests >> a common neurobiological substrate, involving a dopamine >> dysfunction of the neural “reward systems”. Debauchery destroys the >> brain. Lust and promiscuity, explains Nachman of Breslev, lead to a >> breakdown of logic, common sense and even insanity. The proof is >> that in this decadent age, so many people are in need of >> psychiatric medication, whereas millions suffer from anxiety and >> depression. All the people who are out of their minds, because they >> fell into the difficult disease of looking at women and all kinds >> of filthy movies on the Internet, on the iPhone, Facebook, etc., to >> the point of burning lust in real madness. Gambling is a terrible >> sickness, even more addictive than alcohol, tobacco and drugs. The >> lust for money is the root cause of gambling affliction, which not >> only drives a person insane, but makes him or her lose faith in the >> Creator, and truth and emuna in His Divine providence, Heaven >> forbid. The gambler is cruel to his family. The owners and >> operators of gambling parlors are outright murderers. >> >> ICANN, some ICANN-accredited registrars, some registry operators >> and some Domain Name Registrants are fostering Internet Addiction. >> Registry Services, LLC is fostering Internet addiction. Fostering >> Internet addiction is a disastrous violation of fundamental human >> rights and GAC Communiqué – Beijing, People’s Republic of China. >> Fostering Internet addiction by ICANN, some ICANN-accredited >> registrars, some registry operators and some Domain Name >> registrants is a violation of applicable laws. Fostering Internet >> addiction is a violation of ICANN's Articles of Incorporation, >> Board of Directors' Code of Conduct, Governance Guidelines, >> Commitments, Core Values and By-Laws. >> >> In view of the above, we require ICANN to terminate immediately the >> activities fostering Internet addiction, including the performance >> of relevant IANA functions, relevant gTLD activities, relevant >> Registry Operators' activities, relevant ICANN-accredited >> registrars' activities, including through RESP and amendments of >> registry and registrar agreements and to refrain from renewing the >> .biz registry agreement with Registry Services, LLC unless Registry >> Services, LLC > and its related companies terminate immediately >> activities fostering Internet addiction and the .biz registry >> agreement is amended to prohibit Internet addiction activities. >> >> Rabbi Shalom Arush >> Head of the "Chut Shel Chessed" Institutions >> >> For the full article, please see the attachment. >> >> -------- >> >> The Universal Garden of Emuna >> Author: Rabbi Shalom Arush >> >> The Universal Garden of Emuna >> What’s the consolation in knowing that the world is full of strife >> when our personal lives are a never-ending saga of stress, worry, >> anxiety and challenges? Making a living today is like being a 21st >> Century gladiator. Family units are falling apart and marital bliss >> seems like a pipedream. People face child-education problems that >> they never imagined. What can a person do to maintain sanity? If >> sanity is such a struggle, who dares to dream of genuine happiness, >> fulfillment and true inner peace? You do. >> As soon as you open up the first page of the new Universal Garden >> of Emuna by internationally acclaimed best-selling author Shalom >> Arush, whose books have helped millions of people around the globe >> live better lives, you gain the master-key to life’s locked doors, >> especially the doors to fulfilling your own personal potential. >> Far from flash-in-the-pan fad spirituality, the new >> non-denomenational Universal Garden of Emuna takes the reader by >> the hand along the proven path to satisfaction of the soul. By >> learning emuna – the pure and simple faith in the Creator - the >> reader learns how to cultivate an intimate personal relationship >> with the Creator. >> This book will quickly become your best friend, a book you’ll want >> to read over and over! A complete and total life-changer! >> By world-renowned spiritual guide and bestselling author Shalom >> Arush, translated by Lazer Brody. >> Paperback, 406 information-packed pages, including an amazing new >> explanation of the Seven Noahide Commandments for all mankind. >> >> In English – >> https://www.breslev.co.il/store/the_universal_garden_of_emuna/spirituality_and_faith/books.aspx?id=16146&language=english >> In French – http://www.joie2vivre.org/produit/le-jardin-universel-de-la-foi/ >> In Spanish - >> https://www.breslev.co.il/store/en_el_jard%C3%ADn_de_la_fe_universal_gu%C3%ADa_pr%C3%A1ctica_de_vida_para_todo_ser_humano_en_espa%C3%B1ol/rabino_arush_y_autoayuda/libros.aspx?id=23093&language=spanish >> >> Rubin International Law Firm and Notary >> 11 Avinoam Yelin Street Jerusalem Israel >> info@advrubin.com naftali.rubin@gmail.com >> +972-544-705-200