[Privsec-discuss] Status checks
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@icann.org> Wed, 21 December 2016 18:45 UTC
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From: Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@icann.org>
To: "privsec-discuss@iab.org" <privsec-discuss@iab.org>
Thread-Topic: Status checks
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Greetings. - What is the status of draft-iab-web-pki-problems? I have been told off-list that there was discussion about the disposition of draft on the members-only list, but have not heard anything on the public list. If the draft is still active, I would like to hear responses to the comments I sent in September. - What is the status of this IAB project? Are there other documents we should be reviewing or contributing to in other ways? --Paul Hoffman
- [Privsec-discuss] Status checks Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Privsec-discuss] Status checks Russ Housley
- Re: [Privsec-discuss] Status checks Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Privsec-discuss] Status checks Russ Housley